Saturday, July 14, 2007
The Night Shift..
The big story this week in Pt. Charles is that Robin and Patrick have been sent to probation on the Night Shift (which airs on Soapnet Thursday nights at 11 p.m.) So, as viewers we get exposed to the various scandals and fast paced dramas Thursday evenings will soon be available for.
The show started out with a steamy shower scene with Patrick and Robin. Shortly after that, there was a call about a victim needing assistance who was in transit to the ER. As the staff (Patrick, Robin, Epiphany, three nurses) waited for the ambulance, Jason arrived with Spinelli because Spinelli accidently shot himself in the foot. (thought Jason was still in Petnonville...oh well, not complaining!!)
As the car drove up it was obvious that the scene was going to quickly take a turn for the worse as there was a gasoline leak in the ambulance and a quick light of the match made a huge explosion that knocked Patrick off his feet. Good thing Jason was there to rescue the woman in the ambulance who was later pronounced dead.
Robin quickly took care of Patrick who showed no sign of any damage. Jason covered for Spinelli and said that he accidentally shot Spinelli, and Mac and Coop came to the hospital to get a statement about what happened in the explosion. Coop and Maxie quickly found a supply closet to pass the time. The scene was scandalous and very funny as Mac caught Coop with his pants down, and Maxie handcuffed and exposed. Maxie suggested Mac punishes her as well as scene..the two cleaning out the bed pans!!!
The body of the woman who was pronounced dead in the explosion was sent to the Morgue with a familiar last name: Barret (Brenda, Coop...) As Regina, the new nurse student was sent down to deliver all the victims information, she saw the victim was in fact still alive.
If this series is anything like the first show, it is sure to be one not to miss. The erotic activities and fast paced atmosphere is softened with the continual humor and unexpected moments. Time to Tivo!
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12:21 PM
This week..
This week on GH, we learned that Logan obviously did something very bad in the military. He doesn't want it to air so much that he has accepted the job to be Ric's informant into Sonny's business.....whatever he might have done must be really good if it's worth getting killed for. What Logan and Ric don't know is that Coop is Sonny's informant into the PCPD. This became a little awkward when there was a shootout and Coop ended up wounding Logan. This drama brought Lulu right to his side to help in any way she could, which made Maxie very happy.
Dillon took Ned's offer to shadow a film maker and left the show.....ofcourse to return sometime in the future. His exit was a little emotional as the family acted like they were never going to see him again...he's going to L.A.!!!!!!!
Jason had a couple visitors in Pentonville this from his wife, Carly? She pretended to be Brenda as she showed the marriage license. The other visitor, Elizabeth! Yay!!! She pretended to be Lucky with his badge and was so close to telling Jason she loved him. Lucky is starting to see this and we were left this week with him asking Elizabeth if she loves Jason.
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12:14 PM