Monday, August 27th, Josh Duhon celebrated his 23rd birthday. His handsome looks and sensitive side is growing very popular among the fans of General Hospital who hope to see him on screen for several more years.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Happy Birthday Logan
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6:31 AM
Happy Birthday Mr. Craig
On August 4th, Sebastian Roche (Jerry Jacks, James Craig) celebrated his birthday. A very happy birthday month to our favorite unpredictably evil character on General Hospital.
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6:25 AM
Q and A with some of your favorites..
When asked "Who on your cast could most likely get out of a speeding ticket?", your favorite General Hospital casts said:
Kelly Monaco (Sam): "I would probably say Laura Wright (Carly). She's got the savvy to get out of anything she needs to.
Greg Vaughan (Lucky): "Laura Wright. She's got that East Coast, 'What? You're going to give me a ticket for that?' She would argue her way out of it.
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli): "Come on! That's a simple question. Laura Wright, without a doubt. She could just bat her eyes. She'd feign ignorance and be able to rationalize that she was doing something so important that there was no way she should have had to look at the speed limit. And they would be absolutely convinced that whatever she was doing was more important than the law."
Laura Wright (Carly): "Probably Maurice Bernard (Sonny), because everyone recognizes him. Sonny can get out of anything! For sheer terror, they'd be like, 'Whatever you want!'"
From these answers, it looks like Laura Wright may be more like Carly Corinthos than we think, she definitely has an "I get what I want" reputation from her fellow cast mates.
Information courtesy of ABC Soaps
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6:19 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Busy Summer
This summer has been very busy for the important people of Pt. Charles.
Here is a list of important story lines making their way into the fall lineup:
Jason was arrested for the murder of Alcozar. While on trial, Ric called Elizabeth to the witness stand where he mercilessly attacked her and it was exposed that Elizabeth and Jason slept together last summer. Lucky was in the court room, and the paternity of Baby Jake was questioned. Elizabeth lied under oath and said the test showed Jake was really Lucky's. When Jason was acquitted from all charges, an over excited Elizabeth ran to his arms and they embraced. This action was more than Lucky could handle, this is the beginning of the end of Lucky and Elizabeth.
Since this, Lucky has actively sought a relationship with Sam, as he is now her bodyguard.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned....this saying accurately portrays Sam's current state of mind. After her and Jason broke up, she feels obligated to make Elizabeth suffer at any cost. She knew baby Jake's kidnapper and refused to reveal, and recently while Elizabeth and her sons were in the park, Sam hired a couple men to try to kidnap them while Sam comes to the rescue. Sam was the hero, but her true intentions were to make Elizabeth so scared for her children's safety that she stay away from Jason. This plan worked well for sometime, but we all knew Jason would find the two men and make them give up who they work for. We are currently left with an angry Jason confronting Sam on her devious plot of antagonize Elizabeth.
Sonny has big problems arising for him. He has had an ongoing romance with an old flame, but she (Kate Howard) is connected to some enemies of Sonny's who seem to want business in Pt. Charles. Though Anthony Zachara hasn't officially made his presence in town, his high powered attorney, who just so happens to be Ric's father and Sonny's stepdad, and Kate's on again/off again boyfriend, is scoping out the situation for an offensive move from Zachara. Since Sonny is so good at what he does, he knows this and tells Jason to keep those he loves close by.
Jax has been being held hostage by Jerry's ex lover, Irina. Irina's plan was to kill Jax in front of Jerry to cause him great harm. However, we see tonight that the plans had a little change. After several attempts, Jerry successfully convinced Irina to let Jax and Carly go and continue where they left off. As the two embraced, Jerry killed Irina with a bullet. This truly upset Jax who took Carly and told Jerry to never return to Pt. Charles. The emotional tole on Jax and Carly's relationship is very present and leaves the viewers with the uncertainty of it's maintain.
Emily and Nicholas seem to be doing fine, however, Nicholas has a strong sense of anger that is forming and may be something to keep an eye on. He seems very angry lately and may be capable of doing things we would have never thought the handsome prince would ever consider.
Robin's got the baby bug....enough said
Lulu and Logan have developed a relationship. Logan seems to be a very gentle and sensitive man. We're not sure if this is a real look at his true self or if he's still trying to trick her only to give Maxie satisfaction and get her into bed. We're really hoping he will drop Maxie and stay with Lulu....he's so much more attractive when he's being sensitive and lets that Texas accent flow!!
There are many new story lines and excitement coming to Pt. Charles this don't want to miss it.
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7:49 PM