Monday, May 21, 2007

To kill or not to kill

In case you didn't know, Mr. Craig and Jerry Jacks (and Mr. Brosnon) are the same person Jerry is Jax brother, but under the alias Mr. Craig he lead the hostage crisis at the Metro Court, and under the name James Brosnon he flirts with Alexis.

Skye and Alcazar are met with by a man who wants the briefcase. Alcazar pretends to be brain damaged and Skye plays along. Alcazar says Skye must go with him to South America if she ever wants to see Lila Rae again, and says they can start over.
Patrick and Robin argue over whether or not she should move in with him. He says he misses her things and she says it's detrimental to their relationship. Noah Drake seems to think so too as he tells Emily and suggests that Robin and Patrick go to counseling.
Jax tells Sonny who Jerry (Mr. Craig) really is and Sonny says Jax should be the one to kill him. Alexis interrupts their conversation to let Jax know she can help his brother when Sonny fills Alexis in on who Jax brother really is. She then says there is nothing she or anyone else can do.
Carly stands between Jason and Jerry (Mr. Craig) as she begs Jason not to kill him. She tells him Mr. Craig is Jax's brother, Jerry. Jason doesn't care, and Carly gets Jerry (Mr. Craig) away before Jason shoots him. Before leaving, Jerry (Mr. Craig) threatens to hurt anyone Jason may love and tells him that he has insurance over him
Jason is angry with Carly for her decision and vows to kill Jerry (Mr. Craig) next time.
Through Sam's reenactment of the night she murdered Bill Munroe, she accuses Amelia of knowing and setting her up. Amelia says it was not intentional and she will do what she can to adjust the set for Sam to be comfortable.
Tracy vows to help Luke....AGAIN. She suggests they tell Lulu the truth or kidnap Laura. She leaves Luke to make a decision.
Maxie apologizes to Georgie for the way she has treated her and says the reason she likes Coop so much is because he is good like Georgie.
Jax returns home and Carly tells him what happened and that she won't protect Jerry (Mr. Craig) again. She then says she won't forgive Jax if Jerry (Mr. Craig) hurts anyone she loves (We see where this will go next..)
Sonny urges Jason not to kill Jerry (Mr. Craig) YET.
Amelia accompanies Sam home to find an armed Jerry (Mr. Craig) waiting for them.

Jerry (Mr. Craig) wants to talk to Jason
Sonny tells Jason to leave Jerry alone
Jax assures Carly Jerry won't go near her or her loved ones.

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