Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The truth comes out..

We were finally able to understand the horror behind Jerry's evil mind which enables him to act in such a brutal way. While talking to Carly, we saw a flashback of Jerry and his lover, Alena doing a job on another person. They portrayed newlyweds, and after getting the money, they were going to retire to an island to live in paradise. The job didn't work out as hoped and Alena and Jerry were caught. Jerry was tortured beyond belief, he gave up Alena and was forced to watch as she was shot in the head right in front of him. This painful experience intensifies Jerry's capabilities since he said his only emotion after she got shot was relief that he wasn't on the other side of the bullet. It was a very sincere scene and Carly got the story. I'm sure she will tell Jax who is struggling with the decision of whether or not to turn Jerry in, however, if he would do so now, he, Carly, Nicholas, and Emily would be in trouble.

Lulu struggles with the news that her father raped her mother before they were married. She goes to Jason and asks him if it's true. Jason says that sometimes couples go through difficulties but there is always a chance to work things out. Lulu says her sadness is about her mother and the brainwashed love that doesn't exist. The Spencer family is trying to find Lulu. Luke finds her and she is repulsed by him. With this whole situation, Lucky finds Elizabeth and tells her they need to make sure there is never a secret that could jeopardize their future. This makes Elizabeth uncomfortable since she is harboring her secret with Jason.

Sam arranges for Jason and her to have a picnic.....look who's there? Elizabeth and baby Jake (and Cameron..but we already know who his daddy is). Elizabeth leaves right away and Jason accuses Sam of setting it up. Sam confides in Amelia that she wants to raise baby Jake.

Coop is concerned that Jerry will blackmail him by threatening Maxie.......well, that's apparent when he meets Jerry in the park (is it me or is Jerry constantly eating something..anyways). Logan tells Coop and Maxie that he now works for Sonny, and after Coop leaves, he tells Maxie that she really belongs with a guy like him. (some reason I see this..they are a lot alike).

Ric has the evidence he needs on Jason and it looks like it will all be coming down soon
Alexis does what she does best in court and tried to show the useless proceedings Scott Baldwin was trying to create. The first day of court was adjourned as the judge wants to take his time with all the information...imagine that!

Sam tells Jason she wants his baby
Sonny tells Spinelli to tell him Jason's secret pain
Ric makes his move toward Jason

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