Thursday, June 21, 2007

Baby Snatcher and a drunk

So, I'm so intrigued as to who would really steal baby Jake, especially if they knew it was Jason's...that's a death wish....however, it is good that Sonny knows that Jason's the father and is being the voice of reason with Jason to come forward as the baby's real father. It seems to be only a matter of time before little Jake will be sporting a new name.

Sonny and Spinelli told Sonny's attorney that Jason is the father of Jake, she assured them that because he's the father, it wouldn't get him out of jail, but might cause more harm. However, she did say to be extra cautious of Sam. She seems like a real cut throat aggressive attorney....I like her...but she might be facing off with Alexis soon if Alexis needs to come to her daughter's rescue. That should be an interesting match up.

I think Carly is right to suggest that Jax is trying to keep her busy with a new hotel in Montreal so he can search for Jerry more (a little spoiler alert, but this works out with Ingo Rademacher's annual be expecting his temporary departure)
I love the new Carly, but I keep finding myself wondering how Tamara Braun (ex Carly) would have played it, but I do totally think that Laura Wright is doing a FANTASTIC job at a difficult role...just had to add that.

Sam decided to get drunk in the middle of the day and almost reveal to Carly that Jason's the real father. She also went to Elizabeth's house while she was trying to remember everything that happened. While talking to Elizabeth, she insinuated that Jake was dead, saying they've both lost children. Elizabeth was angry, and made her leave.
Amelia wonders if Sam has Jake, but something tells me Amelia might not be all that innocent in this kidnapping.

Lucky needs to go punch a punching bag or something because his cruel remarks to Elizabeth is not helping bring Jake back, and will be a constant reminder when Jake returns (because he is too important to not return...we NEED to see Jason with his child) of his true feelings.
Everyone is feeling the tension as Lulu tries to defend Elizabeth.

In the meantime, Edward has Tracey committed to Shady Brook. She tries to buy her way out, but it doesn't work. She's plotting a way for Dillon to blackmail Edward, which Alan thinks she is being dangerous setting Dillon up with an "old shark"

Kate tells Sonny to have a highly public affair with someone to keep her unrelated to him in tabloids.
Amelia and Sam talk about Jake
Carly and Jax fight

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