Saturday, June 2, 2007


Well, In the past two days, the citizens of Pt. Charles have dealt with many adversaries. Lulu came to the realization of her parents violent love when her father admitted to raping her mother before they were married. She swears off any further love interest for herself. Elizabeth reveals to Lulu that she was once raped and that there is a way to love after the hurt.
Spinelli proved to be a great friend to her after narrowly escaping Sonny's torture after not revealing Jason's secret pain. He extended himself to Lulu in any way.
Tension rises as Alcazar's killer is exposed and Jerry's identity as Mr. Craig may be shown through a matched DNA.
Ric threatens to charge Jax with accessory to murder if he continues to cover for Jerry and sends Lucky to arrest Jason for Alcazar's murder after the judge issued a warrant. Lucky struggled with this decision since Jason and Elizabeth are friends and he helped save Elizabeth and baby Jake, but in the end, Lucky found Jason holding baby Jake while talking with Elizabeth in the coffee shop and read him his rights. Sonny continues to feud with Kate Howard (Connie Falconerie) after he has Jason shoot down a statue she was having delivered to her house by helicopter. She plays the sympathy card and Sonny tries to make it right.
With all the issues playing out, the best story from the past few days is that Sam had decided to have a surrogate mother in order to have a baby. She is not going to tell Jason and seems that she will secretly try to get him to father the baby. This storyline has a lot of potential to grow into the right amount of drama for Pt.'s a crazy thought, but what if by some way, Jerry Jax ended up being the father or the surrogate baby for Sam....brilliant!!

On Monday:
Elizabeth tries to stop Lucky from arresting Jason
Kate tries to have Sonny arrested
Jerry tries to find his DNA in the crime lab

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