Friday, May 25, 2007

Going Public with little secrets..

Today in Pt. Charles, Ric interrogates Spinelli for information to Alcazar's whereabouts, Sonny steps with his cool demeanor and puts Ric in his place without a hint of guilt. Spinelli feels overwhelmed with gratitude and uncontrollably hugs Sonny..Sonny corrects him and in the midst of their talking, Spinelli reveals that Jason has a secret.

Sam arranges to meet with Elizabeth and baby Jake. Elizabeth is uncomfortable with this, and the moment gets really awkward as Sam holds (Jason's) baby when Jason walks in shocked, Spinelli watches in enjoyment and Sonny begins putting pieces together.

Sam gives Jason the opportunity to tell her the truth, he doesn't, but then after she leaves, he tells Elizabeth he wants to come forth as Jake's father.....getting good!!!

Alexis, Jax, and Emily try to keep Nicholas from going after Jerry (Mr. Craig)..but he doesn't really have to GO after him because Jerry arranges for them all to meet at Metro Court. Jax's employees call the police and Jerry's secret is revealed...dont' be sad though, this is his plan....he is arrested as James Craig, and denies that. He says he is visiting his brother, Jax and his mother, Lady Jane. We are left with suspense of whether or not the group will cover for him. (Remember that Jerry being in prison is dangerous for Coop and Emily)

Carly and Kate Howard meet at Sonny's house as Kate insults Carly's kids. Carly, true to her character, threatens Kate. Kate says Carly is not classy, which Carly reminds her is even more the reason she should be scared...Love Cary!!!! Sonny walks in on the cat fight, and enjoys watching it.

Ric advises Skye to file a missing person's report to protect herself.

Sam wants to know the truth
Elizabeth asks if Sam would be o'k letting Lucky and Elizabeth raise the baby?
Jerry asks Jax to vouch for him that he's his brother.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Family Ties..

Just when you think Skye must be heartless for setting up Alcazar's death in her own home, she beckons forgiveness from Edward and the Quartermaine family in what seems a very sincere way. Edward, not being his usual spiteful self, calmly tells her that he would like to forgive her for her involvement in the hostage crisis which lead to Alan's death, but is unable to.

Jerry Jacks a.k.a Mr Craig a.k.a Mr Brosnon comes clean to Alexis and tells her who he really is. Alexis is shocked to find out that the man who she was interested in is really the man who has caused so much trauma for her family and friends.

Jason tells Carly and Jax about Jerry's involvement with Nicholas and Emily's latest espionage issue. Jax is stuck with the decision of being loyal to his brother and is feeling the anger toward Jerry from Jason and Nicholas.

Coop shows his lack of experience of being discreet as he tells Maxie he wants to tell Logan of his involvement in the hostage crisis, Sonny's business, and Mr. Craig's threats. He suggests that Logan will help him and protect Maxie. Maxie urges him not to, and suggests that he will use it to his advantage to get close to Sonny.
I like Coop and Maxie. I like the fact that Maxie, although she's done some crazy stuff knows her faults. She knows she doesn't deserve Coop and is grateful for all his support. I think Coop is good for her and hope to see the two make it together...just have a feeling Maxie might get him into trouble.

Luke and Tracey try to kidnap Laura when they find out she has been moved to another location thanks to Scotty Baldwin

Ric becomes curious as to where Alcazar has gone. He questions Skye. She suggests Alcazar has left her and the baby. He also questions Spinelli as to whether or not he knows of Alcazar's disappearance, not knowing that Spinelli (who's not the best of liars...he should talk to Sam and Elizabeth about that) walked in while Jason was telling Sonny that Alcazar's been taken care of.

Skye is scared and runs to Jason to warn him that Ric is curious as Jerry overhears and makes his presence known...

So, Skye Quartermaine....It is clear to say that she is very loyal to Lila Rae, but who else is she really loyal to? She keeps information about the hostage crisis covered to protect Alcazar while her adopted father and sister are held hostage. Alan dies from the hostage crisis and Skye is outed from the family. She excuses her decision on withholding information as a loyalty to Alcazar, who puts her in harms way. Now, she's sold him out and had him murdered....who is Skye Quartermaine? She's so sincere when she talks, even when it was to Alcazar moments before letting Jason in to kill him. I am interested to see where her character will go and the relationships she might find. After her scene with Ric today, I think they might be a good couple, understanding that there are secrets that must be kept!!!!

Sam confronts Elizabeth...this should be good!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bye- Bye Daddy.....

In today's episode, After one last night together, Alcazar brings Lila Rae home. Skye struggles with the decision to call Sonny, but does after thinking of what Alcazar put her through. Robin is willing to discuss moving in with Patrick when suddenly three beautiful new patients enter with requests to see Patrick. Robin becomes irritated as the girls flirt with Patrick and comes up with a few tricks to get Patrick's attention. Elizabeth tells baby Jacob about Jason. Jason visits Elizabeth and the baby. He hold Jacob and then gets interrupted by Sonny's phone call telling him Skye has Lila Rae back. Lulu and Spinelli chat over how good of a guy Jason really is. Jason confronts Emily about her involvement with Jerry (Mr. Craig). Emily vows to do anything, even playing along with Mr. Craig, to protect Nicholas from him. Sonny has a new neighbor.....guess who???? Kate Howard or as he knows her as Connie Falconerie from his childhood. He doesn't like her choice of transportation (helicopter) and she doesn't like his big stone fence blocking her view. They come to a few compromises. Before Skye, Alcazar, and Lila Rae leave for South America, Skye lets Jason in their home to kill Alcazar. As she rocks Lila Rae in a rocker, she hears the gunshots and Alcazar's body fall!!!!

Ric questions Skye to Alcazar's whereabouts
Nicholas tells Jerry (Mr. Craig) to leave Pt. Charles
Jason tells Carly and Jax that Jerry (Mr. Craig) held him, Sam, Spinelli, and Amelia at gunpoint
Carly tells Jason not to kill Jerry (Mr. Craig)

Happy Birthday.....

Although her character "Sam" might not have many things to be happy about right now, Kelly Moaco turns 31 today!!!!!

Happy Birthday.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Jerry's Safe

In today's episode, Jerry (Mr. Craig) revealed his identity to Sam, Spinelli, Amelia, Nicholas, and Emily. Along with his identity, he exposed his plan for Emily was set in order to keep him safe and alive from all his enemies. Jason will not kill Jerry (Mr. Craig) because by doing so, Emily would be arrested for espionage. It's in her best interest if Jerry stays alive.
Patrick and Robin stop arguing over their living arrangements and he pledges to wait for her to be ready to move in with him and in the meantime will stop asking. Nicholas and Emily embark in a long overdue love reunion and are free to be safe from Jerry (Mr. Craig), or so they think.
Alcazar tells Skye that he will bring Lila Rae home if she doesn't leave the house, so she agrees. While taking a VERY long bath, she sneaks out the window to let Sonny know the plan. Sonny gives her a phone to use when she gets her daughter back. While being held hostage at Sam and Jason's house, Sam tries to kill Jerry (Mr. Craig) with a gun she found in the liquor cabinet. Amelia stops her saying she can't watch Sam kill another person again.
Jax and Carly argue over Jerry's (Mr. Craig) violence, and Alexis interrupts to tell Jax that she will represent him because when Jerry gets caught, Jax may be charged as an accomplice. (Note that Alexis doesn't know that Jerry (Mr. Craig) is her Mr. Brosnon...and the plot thickens) Carly gets mad at Alexis and accuses her of wanting Jax's time and attention and makes Jax choose to have Alexis leave or she will go to Sonny's. Alexis spares Jax the decision and leaves. Jax tells Carly he will never choose Alexis over her, and in the midst of the family violence, they steal time to be romantic.
When Skye is finished with her "bath" she goes to Alcazar and THANKS him one last time, if you know what I mean.
After Jerry (Mr. Craig) told Jason his plans for Emily, he leaves Sam and Jason's house. Being held hostage seems to make Amelia hot and heavy because she went right to Sonny's office with one thing in mind!!!

Jason gears up to kill Alcazar

Did You Know.....

Lila Rae, Skye and Alcazar's baby, is Robin Christopher's (Skye) real life baby, Gianna Crane. Due to this, Christopher and her husband decided it may be difficult as Gianna gets older to have her act with mommy, so the part of Lila Rae will change as a new "Lila" emerges.

information courtesy of ABC Soaps

Monday, May 21, 2007

Guess who's staying...(possible spoiler)

So, as we all are aware, Alcazar's time on GH is limited, as well as Dillon, but for your favorite terrorist....well, he just signed a contract, and will be terrorizing the citizens of Pt. Charles for a while longer!!!!!

To kill or not to kill

In case you didn't know, Mr. Craig and Jerry Jacks (and Mr. Brosnon) are the same person Jerry is Jax brother, but under the alias Mr. Craig he lead the hostage crisis at the Metro Court, and under the name James Brosnon he flirts with Alexis.

Skye and Alcazar are met with by a man who wants the briefcase. Alcazar pretends to be brain damaged and Skye plays along. Alcazar says Skye must go with him to South America if she ever wants to see Lila Rae again, and says they can start over.
Patrick and Robin argue over whether or not she should move in with him. He says he misses her things and she says it's detrimental to their relationship. Noah Drake seems to think so too as he tells Emily and suggests that Robin and Patrick go to counseling.
Jax tells Sonny who Jerry (Mr. Craig) really is and Sonny says Jax should be the one to kill him. Alexis interrupts their conversation to let Jax know she can help his brother when Sonny fills Alexis in on who Jax brother really is. She then says there is nothing she or anyone else can do.
Carly stands between Jason and Jerry (Mr. Craig) as she begs Jason not to kill him. She tells him Mr. Craig is Jax's brother, Jerry. Jason doesn't care, and Carly gets Jerry (Mr. Craig) away before Jason shoots him. Before leaving, Jerry (Mr. Craig) threatens to hurt anyone Jason may love and tells him that he has insurance over him
Jason is angry with Carly for her decision and vows to kill Jerry (Mr. Craig) next time.
Through Sam's reenactment of the night she murdered Bill Munroe, she accuses Amelia of knowing and setting her up. Amelia says it was not intentional and she will do what she can to adjust the set for Sam to be comfortable.
Tracy vows to help Luke....AGAIN. She suggests they tell Lulu the truth or kidnap Laura. She leaves Luke to make a decision.
Maxie apologizes to Georgie for the way she has treated her and says the reason she likes Coop so much is because he is good like Georgie.
Jax returns home and Carly tells him what happened and that she won't protect Jerry (Mr. Craig) again. She then says she won't forgive Jax if Jerry (Mr. Craig) hurts anyone she loves (We see where this will go next..)
Sonny urges Jason not to kill Jerry (Mr. Craig) YET.
Amelia accompanies Sam home to find an armed Jerry (Mr. Craig) waiting for them.

Jerry (Mr. Craig) wants to talk to Jason
Sonny tells Jason to leave Jerry alone
Jax assures Carly Jerry won't go near her or her loved ones.

Did You Know......

Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth Weber) and Ingo Rademacher (Jax) dated in real life before she met her husband Michael Saucedo of six years. However, Elizabeth and Jax have never dated on screen....that may be an interesting couple.

Greg Vaughan has more in common with his character of Lucky Spencer than one may think. As Lucky and Elizabeth just welcomed Jacob Martin into their family, Greg Vaughan and his wife recently welcomed baby boy, Jatham James. Congrats!!!!

Jax and Jerry may play brothers on screen, but they are not even from the same country. Sebastian Roche (Mr. Craig/Jerry Jacks) is from Paris and is a French actor while Ingo Rademacher (Jasper "Jax" Jacks) was born in Germany and raised in Australia.

information courtesy of and ABC Soaps

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Why the Hospital?

I am starting this blog to indulge in a creative aspect of writing from one of my all time favorite shows, General Hospital. I did not follow soaps until 2000 while living with my sister in law and she totally got me hooked, and since it has had a way of fascinating my mind. The writers are magical in their stories and the actors are so talented in the way in which the characters are portrayed. Over the years, I have met many other women (and men) who enjoy the amazing artistry involved in creating such a well done daytime soap. As an English major, a writer, and an avid General Hospital watcher and fan (waiting in line to meet “Ric” in Raleigh, NC for 2 hours with my 4 month old…) I have chosen to write a blog of the show…hope you like it, and fee free to comment!!!!

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