Friday, July 6, 2007

weekly recap

This week on General Hospital, the viewers got a closer look at the characters for the new Soap series: NIGHTSHIFT. We learned that there are three new nurses that want Patrick's attention, Epiphany loves music, Stan and Lainy will go on a date, and Dr. Noah Drake has a twin, music legend, Eli Love (it's not really his twin, just someone who looks exactly like him).

The daytime crew:

Jerry insists on getting to know Carly more so he shows up for breakfast and takes the family on a boat ride on the fourth. This news is disturbing for Sonny, but he knows that Carly will do whatever she wants anyways, so there's not much he can say. However, for now, the boys are at summer camp, so they'll be safely kept away.

Ned came to town to offer Dillon a great job opportunity in LA as a film director's assistant. Although Tracey does not approve, Dillon was mainly concerned about leaving Lulu until she intentionally blew him off by telling him she is dating Logan.

Speaking of Logan, he kissed Maxie again.....and she liked it!!!!! Georgie warns Maxie that he is bad news and will end up hurting her, but ofcourse to Maxie...that's the appeal.

Kate Howard decides not to sell the house and plans to stay in Pt. Charles after Sonny charms her. Those dimples are too hard to turn away!
Amelia stops by Sonny's house and tells him that Sam saw Maureen when she took the baby. Sonny has Sam come by his house and sees if she will be honest. She lies and tries to play the victim (which may come easy to her as we see from her past), Sonny calls her out on it and she is CAUGHT!!!!! YAY!!!

Sam defends herself to Sonny
Ric looks for information on Logan

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Q and A with some of your favorites..

When recently asked the question "Is there any other career you might like to try some day?", Steve Burton, Bradford Anderson, Kelly Monaco, and Jason Thompson replied:

Steve Burton (Jason):
"Directing. It's fun! I'd rather do that than act. There's just something about being on set, shooting a film."

Bradford Anderson (Spinelli):
"I always wanted to be a baseball player. I'm from central New Hampshire, and I'm a huge Red Sox fan-I cried when they won the World Series. I also wanted to be a stockbroker, because that's what my dad was. Then, I [also] wanted to be a tennis star like Agassi."

Kelly Monaco (Sam):
"There are so many things. This is why I'm an actor, because I never could pick one career. Being an actor, I get to try everybody's career. I get to be a little bit of everything. I don't know,. I'd like to be a mother. My clock's not ticking, but I can still hear it. I do think that raising children is the toughest job on all of this planet."

Jason Thompson (Patrick):
"I'm really into design and architecture, which I've said before. I'd love to build a building. In my future, I'd love to get into the hotel business. It's one of our goals, as far as bar owners: to one day own a cool little hotel. Whether it's in New York or L.A. or some random city."

Great answers, but I must say if Steve Burton goes behind the scenes, there will be withdraws from many viewers, and Kelly Monaco's answer about motherhood is so sweet and endearing.

information courtesy of ABC Soaps

Did you know..

Congratulations to Jule Marie Berman (Lulu Spencer) who was recently engaged to longtime boyfriend, Mike.

Anthony Geary (Luke Spencer) and Kin Shriner (Scott Baldwin) are actually great friends despite their on screen hate filled relationship? Their angry scenes are rumored to sometimes take a long time to get through because the two friends laugh so much, however Steve Burton (Jason) and Bradford Anderson (Spinelli) still hold the title for most crackups in a scene....who would have thought?

Robin Christopher's (Skye Quartermaine) last name was "Americanized" from DiCristoforri.

information courtesy of ABC Soaps

Jealous Cowboy

Since Jason found baby Jake (from the EVERYDAY HEROES guest who lost her child in the fire) and returned him to Elizabeth, Lucky's jealousy was sent through the roof. Unable to contain his feelings of inadequacy, Lucky had Jason arrested for breaking his bail because he left Pt Charles to find Jake. This was just what Scott Baldwin needed to sent Jason to Pentonville!!! Jason and Sonny's cut throat attorney, Diane, says there's little she can do for Jason right now, and suggests he rides this out. Sonny promises to look after Elizabeth, and Carly visits Jason before he was taken away.

While Jason and Amelia were rescuing Jake, we found out that Sam actually witnessed the entire kidnapping and did nothing. Amelia told Sam that Jason knew the truth. Since Sam arrived to the station too late to talk to Jason, she was unable to clear things up with him. Their relationship seems to be put on hold, allowing for the build up of feelings between Jason and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was so grateful to Jason for finding Jake. She says she knew he would, but the jealous actions and ungratefulness of Lucky is creating problems for their marriage. Elizabeth is very angry with Lucky who vows he was "just doing his job" by having Jason arrested for violating bail. Sure, we all believe that Lucky's not extremely insecure.

On another note, Logan becomes very chatty when drunk. He told Maxie and Coop that Baldwin is his father and almost squealed about Maxie and his little deal.

Jerry talks to Michael
Logan and Maxie kiss