Saturday, June 16, 2007

Daytime Emmy Winners..

Congratulations Rick Hearst (Ric Lansing) and Genie Francis (Laura Spencer) for winning Outstanding Supporting Actor and Actress!

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Sebastian Roche

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at <span class=If you ever wondered what the actor behind the evil Mr. Craig (Jerry Jacks) is really like, check out the Q and A he revealed in Soap Opera Digest.

Q. What is the perfect day for you?
A. "Having an outdoor lunch in the summer in the South of France with my family and friends, which lasts about six hours."

Q. What song do you know all the words to?
A. "Any Coldplay song"

Q. What household appliance can't you live without?
A. "A chopping knife. I love to cook"

Q. What are you favorite board games?
A. "Scrabble and chess"

Q. What movie could you watch over and over?
A. The Seventh Seal by [Ingmar] Bergman. I love Bergman."

O'k, so with these answers, even if he is Mr. Craig he sounds absolutely charming!!!

Who stole Baby Jake Spencer (Morgan)

The potential suspects to look out for:

Angry that Sam never got what she deserved for murdering her father, did Amelia take baby Jake in order to frame Sam? Would she go that far to make Sam look guilty, knowing that it will totally destroy Jason and Sam's plans of happily ever after will crumble.

She did loose a baby three years ago and has never gotten over the loss. These emotions have been put into high gear since knowing that Jason is the father to Jake. She just found out she can't have children and wants Jason's baby more than ever, is this the person who could really take a baby from it's mother? Well, she is the same person who married four different people and left with their money.

Elizabeth could be suffering from Postpartum depression. Could she actually do something to her own child ( not the highest suspect on the list, but that would be an interesting storyline)

Next to killing people and blowing up a hotel, kidnapping is a somewhat easy "stroll in the park" for Jerry Jacks. We haven't seen or heard anything from him lately, so he may have come up with a new plan to have the upper hand with the people of Pt.Charles

Could the Jackal really take Stone Cold's baby?? Noway! But he has insisted that the baby should be with Jason and this may be his way of ensuring the baby bonds with his biological father. However, the idea of the Jackal even taking care of a baby is ludicrous, so this is probably lower on the list than Elizabeth's postpartum depression.

What if someone found out that the baby's Jason's and is using it to have leverage over Sonny's corporation at this time. I would like to think maybe someone with a grudge toward the police office or Lucky would maybe have taken baby Jake. This would prove to Elizabeth that Lucky's line of work could be just as damaging as Jason's.

We'll have to watch to find out....

Carly cares...

The past two episodes of General Hospital have set the viewers up for a much anticipated change of events. Amelia and Sonny are telling Jason that Sam is really someone who he should be aware of. Though he would love to stay loyal and prove that Sam has been a victim of misfortune, his instincts are telling him that she is up to something. When she comes to the jailhouse and instead of worry about HIS situation, she just can't stop thinking about him getting out so they can make a seems that this is all about her!

However, Sam may have a destructive past, but it seems that Amelia has layers that are just starting to be revealed. She wants revenge on Sam for the death of her father, but what else is she capable of doing? Is she really someone Jason and Sonny can trust?

Elizabeth is torn between being true to her husband's wishes and staying away from Jason and her own desires to be with him and share Jake with him. Though some may see her as having it all together, her postpartum hormones and fear are about to take her on a long and terrifying journey.

Kate and Carly argue...again. Sonny wonders why Carly cares so much about who he sees. She overly explains that she doesn't care. She expresses this for about one minute non stop which shows she still has some deep feelings for who Sonny is with. She says she doesn't care who Sonny's with, but doesn't like Kate. She wants that to be respected, but it seems like Sonny and Kate will be spending more time together as they get reacquainted with each other.

Nickolas has some serious anger issues that he is unable to keep hidden. His resentment and anger toward Jerry may cause him to do something he may regret later. He will do anything to clear Emily's name.

So, the week ends with Elizabeth at the park. Getting ready to go, she puts baby Jake in a stroller and goes to get Cameron. Upon returning Jake is missing....who could it be?
(well, Sam was watching in the bushes...but that may be too obvious)

Sam and Amelia are both late to work wondering where each other were
Sonny tells Jason to come out as Jake's father
Elizabeth screams helplessly for Jake in the park

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

See ya in October

Anthony Geary (Luke Spencer) has officially taken his yearly summer vacation and will be returning to General Hospital in October....will Laura be with him?????? You'll have to wait to find out

Too bad Sam

It looks like Amelia just did Jason a huge favor by revealing Sam's past and possible intention with him. She told Jason that Sam has been contacting fertility clinics behind his back and plans to use a surrogate. Jason was informed that Sam is secretly going to impregnate the surrogate with Jason's baby.
Bad news for Sam who says she'll do anything to get Jason's baby.

Sam visited Lucky and Elizabeth to find out more information on Jason's arrest. She told Lucky that she wants the family that he has with Elizabeth. Lucky and Elizabeth were talking about this after she left and the fact that she can't have Jason's baby because she can't get pregnant...couldn't help but notice Elizabeth's cheerfulness at this information as she bounced baby Jake around (Jason's baby)

Lulu bailed Tracey out of jail. Edward has some kind of secret going on.

Logan insinuated that Scott Baldwin terrorized his family and that is why he hates him so much. He told Lulu this after he punched Scott.....awww, something to bond the two.

Carly and Jax stay home with the kids and are disturbed to find that someone keeps calling and hanging up...looks like Jerry might turn up again.

Kate thanks Sonny for dinner and breakfast infront of Carly.
Sam learns there may be a problem with a surrogate
Elizabeth visits Jason in jail and they talk about Jake

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


So, we've all met those kind of people that can't keep a secret....looks like Amelia is one. She proceeded to tell Jason all the information she has on Sam and to top it off with the fact that Sam knows he's Jake's father.
As much as Jason wants to be that loyal boyfriend with great intuition, I think he may be getting played on this one...but by who? Sam or Amelia? I'm thinking there's more a story behind her character and motives.

Sam talks to Alexis about her desire to have a baby and almost reveals Jake as Jason's baby. Alexis tells her to go and get what she wants, which might have been all the encouragement Sam needed to make her move.

Kate and Sonny talk about the past over dinner. She is staying at his house since she hurt her head and Sonny wants to make sure she doesn't have a concussion. She must wear Sonny's night shirt since she won't sleep in her clothes. Um, Hello....she lives next door...can one of her two assistants not make sure she's o'k or at least bring her pajamas? She obviously has agendas.

Patrick and Robin leave the bar together, and though he thinks she may be mad at his vocalization about not wanting kids, she jumps right in his arms until he looks for protection....(great acting by Jason Thompson...he totally gave away the "You're a crazy woman" look)

And ofcourse, what we all knew would happen, Tracey got arrested for the kidnap of Laura Spencer..when did she let herself be so vulnerable and taken advantage of...sign of weakness that Edward is becoming aware of. Lucky for Tracey, Alan is still sticking around to give her solid advice

Amelia continues to warn Jason
Sam tells Jason she will do anything to give them a family.....scary!

The Night Shift

Monday's episode introduced the audience to the members of GH that will star in the new nighttime series of GH. These new members will join the other cast in the regular fall schedule.
We got to know a little more about the couple who seem to only work well under pressure, Patrick and Robin. Robin has a maternal bug that's starting to bite and Patrick wants nothing to do with it. As he drinks the idea away, Robin overhears him say he will never be ready for kids. She then toasts to "Never letting others tell you what you're not going to do".....I guess that was geared toward Patrick.

Kate and Sonny argue over the hideously ugly statue Carly got Kate. Kate leaves and runs right into the statue. She has a small concussion but refuses to go to the Hospital out of fear she might reveal that she's really Connie Falconerie. Sonny vows to take care of her all night. Where might this go?????

Luke was successful at kidnapping Laura with Tracey's help. He stops by Lucky's house to let all the kids tell Laura bye before taking her away. Scott goes to visit Laura and finds Tracey wearing a blond wig smiling.
Tracey goes home to be haunted by Alan and can't help but think she has and always will be second to Luke.

Lucky has big problems with Spinelli talking to baby Jake. Spinelli almost reveals that he knows the truth. Elizabeth looked a little shocked, but I don't think she knows that Spinelli knows yet!!!

Amelia brings Sam's file to Jason
Sonny takes care of Kate

Monday, June 11, 2007

Answers to GH Trivia

For those of us who admit to being General Hospital's most loyal of fans, see if you know these trivia answers.....

1.) Courtney did this for a living: Strip

2.) Luke's Casino : The Haunted Star

3.) Carly and Jax's honeymoon spot: Fiji

4.) Luke's term for endearment for Lucky: Cowboy

5.) Sonny's hometown: Bensonhurst, Connecticut

6.) Source of killer virus: Chimp

7.) Lucky #2: Jacob Young

8.) Maxie and Georgie's mother: Felecia

9.) Where Molly was born: Train

10.) Carly's middle name: Leigh

11.) Amelia's profession: Producer

12.) Spinelli's nickname for Jax: The Valkyrie's white knight

13.) Logan's former job: soldier

14.) Carly's mom and Luke's sister: Bobbie Spencer

15.) Alexis's late sister's name: Christina

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I will warn you before reading anymore...there are some really good spoiler information as to what to expect in the coming weeks from General Hospital.........

you can still turn away..........................................

one more chance........................................

Here we go:

Logan's reason for hating Scotty Baldwin will be revealed

Coop has ties to Pt. Charles..what would it be? Well, think of his last name.. Barret (Brenda)

Logan's father may be someone in Pt. Charles

Ric goes missing

Emily searches for her biological father


There is a really important little baby that gets kidnapped

Do you know all things GH???

For those of us who admit to being General Hospital's most loyal of fans, see if you know these trivia answers.....

1.) Courtney did this for a living:

2.) Luke's Casino :

3.) Carly and Jax's honeymoon spot:

4.) Luke's term for endearment for Lucky:

5.) Sonny's hometown:

6.) Source of killer virus:

7.) Lucky #2:

8.) Maxie and Georgie's mother:

9.) Where Molly was born:

10.) Carly's middle name:

11.) Amelia's profession:

12.) Spinelli's nickname for Jax:

13.) Logan's former job:

14.) Carly's mom and Luke's sister:

15.) Alexis's late sister's name:

Answers will be posted tomorrow!!!


Well...on Friday's episode we found out that Lulu wants to help her father kidnap her mother, Alexis is not over what happened between Ric and Sam, Jax is playing peacemaker between Kate and Carly, and Lucky and Elizabeth are still making each other mad and then following up with apologies...caught up? O' onto the good story!

After Sonny and Amelia "celebrated" her success with Everyday Heroes he stumbled upon a folder containing all of Sam's former alias identities. Sonny inquired and refused to let Amelia off the hook. She told him everything from Sam's former profession to her killing Amelia's father to Jax and Sonny being targets for her in Pt. Charles. Amelia told Sonny her plan was to get Sam famous and then expose it all. Sonny said there will be a change of plans. He told Jason. Jason, being the sensitive hit man boyfriend that he is, says he doesn't believe Amelia over Sam....however, when he got his ONE phone call, he called Amelia who told him she would tell him everything.

This might get good...either way it seems that there are more problems brewing for Jason and Sam. Can Sam get over the baby issue? Can Jason trust Sam's intentions? Either way, makes for good drama!