Saturday, June 16, 2007

Who stole Baby Jake Spencer (Morgan)

The potential suspects to look out for:

Angry that Sam never got what she deserved for murdering her father, did Amelia take baby Jake in order to frame Sam? Would she go that far to make Sam look guilty, knowing that it will totally destroy Jason and Sam's plans of happily ever after will crumble.

She did loose a baby three years ago and has never gotten over the loss. These emotions have been put into high gear since knowing that Jason is the father to Jake. She just found out she can't have children and wants Jason's baby more than ever, is this the person who could really take a baby from it's mother? Well, she is the same person who married four different people and left with their money.

Elizabeth could be suffering from Postpartum depression. Could she actually do something to her own child ( not the highest suspect on the list, but that would be an interesting storyline)

Next to killing people and blowing up a hotel, kidnapping is a somewhat easy "stroll in the park" for Jerry Jacks. We haven't seen or heard anything from him lately, so he may have come up with a new plan to have the upper hand with the people of Pt.Charles

Could the Jackal really take Stone Cold's baby?? Noway! But he has insisted that the baby should be with Jason and this may be his way of ensuring the baby bonds with his biological father. However, the idea of the Jackal even taking care of a baby is ludicrous, so this is probably lower on the list than Elizabeth's postpartum depression.

What if someone found out that the baby's Jason's and is using it to have leverage over Sonny's corporation at this time. I would like to think maybe someone with a grudge toward the police office or Lucky would maybe have taken baby Jake. This would prove to Elizabeth that Lucky's line of work could be just as damaging as Jason's.

We'll have to watch to find out....

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