Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Jealous Cowboy

Since Jason found baby Jake (from the EVERYDAY HEROES guest who lost her child in the fire) and returned him to Elizabeth, Lucky's jealousy was sent through the roof. Unable to contain his feelings of inadequacy, Lucky had Jason arrested for breaking his bail because he left Pt Charles to find Jake. This was just what Scott Baldwin needed to sent Jason to Pentonville!!! Jason and Sonny's cut throat attorney, Diane, says there's little she can do for Jason right now, and suggests he rides this out. Sonny promises to look after Elizabeth, and Carly visits Jason before he was taken away.

While Jason and Amelia were rescuing Jake, we found out that Sam actually witnessed the entire kidnapping and did nothing. Amelia told Sam that Jason knew the truth. Since Sam arrived to the station too late to talk to Jason, she was unable to clear things up with him. Their relationship seems to be put on hold, allowing for the build up of feelings between Jason and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was so grateful to Jason for finding Jake. She says she knew he would, but the jealous actions and ungratefulness of Lucky is creating problems for their marriage. Elizabeth is very angry with Lucky who vows he was "just doing his job" by having Jason arrested for violating bail. Sure, we all believe that Lucky's not extremely insecure.

On another note, Logan becomes very chatty when drunk. He told Maxie and Coop that Baldwin is his father and almost squealed about Maxie and his little deal.

Jerry talks to Michael
Logan and Maxie kiss

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