Friday, May 25, 2007

Going Public with little secrets..

Today in Pt. Charles, Ric interrogates Spinelli for information to Alcazar's whereabouts, Sonny steps with his cool demeanor and puts Ric in his place without a hint of guilt. Spinelli feels overwhelmed with gratitude and uncontrollably hugs Sonny..Sonny corrects him and in the midst of their talking, Spinelli reveals that Jason has a secret.

Sam arranges to meet with Elizabeth and baby Jake. Elizabeth is uncomfortable with this, and the moment gets really awkward as Sam holds (Jason's) baby when Jason walks in shocked, Spinelli watches in enjoyment and Sonny begins putting pieces together.

Sam gives Jason the opportunity to tell her the truth, he doesn't, but then after she leaves, he tells Elizabeth he wants to come forth as Jake's father.....getting good!!!

Alexis, Jax, and Emily try to keep Nicholas from going after Jerry (Mr. Craig)..but he doesn't really have to GO after him because Jerry arranges for them all to meet at Metro Court. Jax's employees call the police and Jerry's secret is revealed...dont' be sad though, this is his plan....he is arrested as James Craig, and denies that. He says he is visiting his brother, Jax and his mother, Lady Jane. We are left with suspense of whether or not the group will cover for him. (Remember that Jerry being in prison is dangerous for Coop and Emily)

Carly and Kate Howard meet at Sonny's house as Kate insults Carly's kids. Carly, true to her character, threatens Kate. Kate says Carly is not classy, which Carly reminds her is even more the reason she should be scared...Love Cary!!!! Sonny walks in on the cat fight, and enjoys watching it.

Ric advises Skye to file a missing person's report to protect herself.

Sam wants to know the truth
Elizabeth asks if Sam would be o'k letting Lucky and Elizabeth raise the baby?
Jerry asks Jax to vouch for him that he's his brother.

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