Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Logan

Monday, August 27th, Josh Duhon celebrated his 23rd birthday. His handsome looks and sensitive side is growing very popular among the fans of General Hospital who hope to see him on screen for several more years.

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Happy Birthday Mr. Craig

On August 4th, Sebastian Roche (Jerry Jacks, James Craig) celebrated his birthday. A very happy birthday month to our favorite unpredictably evil character on General Hospital.

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Q and A with some of your favorites..

When asked "Who on your cast could most likely get out of a speeding ticket?", your favorite General Hospital casts said:

Kelly Monaco (Sam): "I would probably say Laura Wright (Carly). She's got the savvy to get out of anything she needs to.

Greg Vaughan (Lucky): "Laura Wright. She's got that East Coast, 'What? You're going to give me a ticket for that?' She would argue her way out of it.

Bradford Anderson (Spinelli): "Come on! That's a simple question. Laura Wright, without a doubt. She could just bat her eyes. She'd feign ignorance and be able to rationalize that she was doing something so important that there was no way she should have had to look at the speed limit. And they would be absolutely convinced that whatever she was doing was more important than the law."

Laura Wright (Carly): "Probably Maurice Bernard (Sonny), because everyone recognizes him. Sonny can get out of anything! For sheer terror, they'd be like, 'Whatever you want!'"

From these answers, it looks like Laura Wright may be more like Carly Corinthos than we think, she definitely has an "I get what I want" reputation from her fellow cast mates.

Information courtesy of ABC Soaps

Monday, August 27, 2007

Busy Summer

This summer has been very busy for the important people of Pt. Charles.
Here is a list of important story lines making their way into the fall lineup:

Jason was arrested for the murder of Alcozar. While on trial, Ric called Elizabeth to the witness stand where he mercilessly attacked her and it was exposed that Elizabeth and Jason slept together last summer. Lucky was in the court room, and the paternity of Baby Jake was questioned. Elizabeth lied under oath and said the test showed Jake was really Lucky's. When Jason was acquitted from all charges, an over excited Elizabeth ran to his arms and they embraced. This action was more than Lucky could handle, this is the beginning of the end of Lucky and Elizabeth.
Since this, Lucky has actively sought a relationship with Sam, as he is now her bodyguard.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned....this saying accurately portrays Sam's current state of mind. After her and Jason broke up, she feels obligated to make Elizabeth suffer at any cost. She knew baby Jake's kidnapper and refused to reveal, and recently while Elizabeth and her sons were in the park, Sam hired a couple men to try to kidnap them while Sam comes to the rescue. Sam was the hero, but her true intentions were to make Elizabeth so scared for her children's safety that she stay away from Jason. This plan worked well for sometime, but we all knew Jason would find the two men and make them give up who they work for. We are currently left with an angry Jason confronting Sam on her devious plot of antagonize Elizabeth.

Sonny has big problems arising for him. He has had an ongoing romance with an old flame, but she (Kate Howard) is connected to some enemies of Sonny's who seem to want business in Pt. Charles. Though Anthony Zachara hasn't officially made his presence in town, his high powered attorney, who just so happens to be Ric's father and Sonny's stepdad, and Kate's on again/off again boyfriend, is scoping out the situation for an offensive move from Zachara. Since Sonny is so good at what he does, he knows this and tells Jason to keep those he loves close by.

Jax has been being held hostage by Jerry's ex lover, Irina. Irina's plan was to kill Jax in front of Jerry to cause him great harm. However, we see tonight that the plans had a little change. After several attempts, Jerry successfully convinced Irina to let Jax and Carly go and continue where they left off. As the two embraced, Jerry killed Irina with a bullet. This truly upset Jax who took Carly and told Jerry to never return to Pt. Charles. The emotional tole on Jax and Carly's relationship is very present and leaves the viewers with the uncertainty of it's maintain.

Emily and Nicholas seem to be doing fine, however, Nicholas has a strong sense of anger that is forming and may be something to keep an eye on. He seems very angry lately and may be capable of doing things we would have never thought the handsome prince would ever consider.

Robin's got the baby bug....enough said

Lulu and Logan have developed a relationship. Logan seems to be a very gentle and sensitive man. We're not sure if this is a real look at his true self or if he's still trying to trick her only to give Maxie satisfaction and get her into bed. We're really hoping he will drop Maxie and stay with Lulu....he's so much more attractive when he's being sensitive and lets that Texas accent flow!!

There are many new story lines and excitement coming to Pt. Charles this fall..you don't want to miss it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Being Connie Falconerie

Yesterday's episode of General Hospital finalized what we all knew eventually would happen, Sonny and Connie (Kate Howard) slept together. Kate borrowed a couple "ibuprofens" from her boss and accidentally took the OTHER little blue pill. Needless to say, she was frisky and refreshing. Sonny just rolled with it in true mobster style.

Alexis and Carly teamed up against Jerry to find out where Jax was. The plan was for Alexis to get him into bed so Carly could check his pda. The women underestimated Jerry's ability to read people and he busted them. This happened only after Ric walked in and found Alexis and Jerry spending time together. Being truly distraught, he did what he knows best, threaten Alexis that she won't see Molly.

Cody, the traumatized soldier from Iraq, found Logan and Lulu. He seems highly motivated to hurt Logan and made a threat to Lulu in the meantime.

Sam and Jason broke up as we knew from last week, but yesterday, Lucky interrogated Sam about what that might mean for his marriage. Sam played it cool, but we're pretty sure Lucky will get to the bottom of his wife's lies soon. While he was talking to Sam, Elizabeth visited Jason in Pentonville. While there, she confided that she wants to be with him when he gets out (and also Lucky)....decision time, but we think that being with Jason would be a great move for her.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Happy Birthday...

Happy Birthday Greg Vaughan who turns 34 Sunday the 15th!

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The Night Shift..

The big story this week in Pt. Charles is that Robin and Patrick have been sent to probation on the Night Shift (which airs on Soapnet Thursday nights at 11 p.m.) So, as viewers we get exposed to the various scandals and fast paced dramas Thursday evenings will soon be available for.
The show started out with a steamy shower scene with Patrick and Robin. Shortly after that, there was a call about a victim needing assistance who was in transit to the ER. As the staff (Patrick, Robin, Epiphany, three nurses) waited for the ambulance, Jason arrived with Spinelli because Spinelli accidently shot himself in the foot. (thought Jason was still in Petnonville...oh well, not complaining!!)

As the car drove up it was obvious that the scene was going to quickly take a turn for the worse as there was a gasoline leak in the ambulance and a quick light of the match made a huge explosion that knocked Patrick off his feet. Good thing Jason was there to rescue the woman in the ambulance who was later pronounced dead.

Robin quickly took care of Patrick who showed no sign of any damage. Jason covered for Spinelli and said that he accidentally shot Spinelli, and Mac and Coop came to the hospital to get a statement about what happened in the explosion. Coop and Maxie quickly found a supply closet to pass the time. The scene was scandalous and very funny as Mac caught Coop with his pants down, and Maxie handcuffed and exposed. Maxie suggested Mac punishes her as well as Coop...next scene..the two cleaning out the bed pans!!!

The body of the woman who was pronounced dead in the explosion was sent to the Morgue with a familiar last name: Barret (Brenda, Coop...) As Regina, the new nurse student was sent down to deliver all the victims information, she saw the victim was in fact still alive.

If this series is anything like the first show, it is sure to be one not to miss. The erotic activities and fast paced atmosphere is softened with the continual humor and unexpected moments. Time to Tivo!

This week..

This week on GH, we learned that Logan obviously did something very bad in the military. He doesn't want it to air so much that he has accepted the job to be Ric's informant into Sonny's business.....whatever he might have done must be really good if it's worth getting killed for. What Logan and Ric don't know is that Coop is Sonny's informant into the PCPD. This became a little awkward when there was a shootout and Coop ended up wounding Logan. This drama brought Lulu right to his side to help in any way she could, which made Maxie very happy.

Dillon took Ned's offer to shadow a film maker and left the show.....ofcourse to return sometime in the future. His exit was a little emotional as the family acted like they were never going to see him again...he's going to L.A.!!!!!!!

Jason had a couple visitors in Pentonville this week...one from his wife, Carly? She pretended to be Brenda as she showed the marriage license. The other visitor, Elizabeth! Yay!!! She pretended to be Lucky with his badge and was so close to telling Jason she loved him. Lucky is starting to see this and we were left this week with him asking Elizabeth if she loves Jason.

Friday, July 6, 2007

weekly recap

This week on General Hospital, the viewers got a closer look at the characters for the new Soap series: NIGHTSHIFT. We learned that there are three new nurses that want Patrick's attention, Epiphany loves music, Stan and Lainy will go on a date, and Dr. Noah Drake has a twin, music legend, Eli Love (it's not really his twin, just someone who looks exactly like him).

The daytime crew:

Jerry insists on getting to know Carly more so he shows up for breakfast and takes the family on a boat ride on the fourth. This news is disturbing for Sonny, but he knows that Carly will do whatever she wants anyways, so there's not much he can say. However, for now, the boys are at summer camp, so they'll be safely kept away.

Ned came to town to offer Dillon a great job opportunity in LA as a film director's assistant. Although Tracey does not approve, Dillon was mainly concerned about leaving Lulu until she intentionally blew him off by telling him she is dating Logan.

Speaking of Logan, he kissed Maxie again.....and she liked it!!!!! Georgie warns Maxie that he is bad news and will end up hurting her, but ofcourse to Maxie...that's the appeal.

Kate Howard decides not to sell the house and plans to stay in Pt. Charles after Sonny charms her. Those dimples are too hard to turn away!
Amelia stops by Sonny's house and tells him that Sam saw Maureen when she took the baby. Sonny has Sam come by his house and sees if she will be honest. She lies and tries to play the victim (which may come easy to her as we see from her past), Sonny calls her out on it and she is CAUGHT!!!!! YAY!!!

Sam defends herself to Sonny
Ric looks for information on Logan

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Q and A with some of your favorites..

When recently asked the question "Is there any other career you might like to try some day?", Steve Burton, Bradford Anderson, Kelly Monaco, and Jason Thompson replied:

Steve Burton (Jason):
"Directing. It's fun! I'd rather do that than act. There's just something about being on set, shooting a film."

Bradford Anderson (Spinelli):
"I always wanted to be a baseball player. I'm from central New Hampshire, and I'm a huge Red Sox fan-I cried when they won the World Series. I also wanted to be a stockbroker, because that's what my dad was. Then, I [also] wanted to be a tennis star like Agassi."

Kelly Monaco (Sam):
"There are so many things. This is why I'm an actor, because I never could pick one career. Being an actor, I get to try everybody's career. I get to be a little bit of everything. I don't know,. I'd like to be a mother. My clock's not ticking, but I can still hear it. I do think that raising children is the toughest job on all of this planet."

Jason Thompson (Patrick):
"I'm really into design and architecture, which I've said before. I'd love to build a building. In my future, I'd love to get into the hotel business. It's one of our goals, as far as bar owners: to one day own a cool little hotel. Whether it's in New York or L.A. or some random city."

Great answers, but I must say if Steve Burton goes behind the scenes, there will be withdraws from many viewers, and Kelly Monaco's answer about motherhood is so sweet and endearing.

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Did you know..

Congratulations to Jule Marie Berman (Lulu Spencer) who was recently engaged to longtime boyfriend, Mike.

Anthony Geary (Luke Spencer) and Kin Shriner (Scott Baldwin) are actually great friends despite their on screen hate filled relationship? Their angry scenes are rumored to sometimes take a long time to get through because the two friends laugh so much, however Steve Burton (Jason) and Bradford Anderson (Spinelli) still hold the title for most crackups in a scene....who would have thought?

Robin Christopher's (Skye Quartermaine) last name was "Americanized" from DiCristoforri.

information courtesy of ABC Soaps

Jealous Cowboy

Since Jason found baby Jake (from the EVERYDAY HEROES guest who lost her child in the fire) and returned him to Elizabeth, Lucky's jealousy was sent through the roof. Unable to contain his feelings of inadequacy, Lucky had Jason arrested for breaking his bail because he left Pt Charles to find Jake. This was just what Scott Baldwin needed to sent Jason to Pentonville!!! Jason and Sonny's cut throat attorney, Diane, says there's little she can do for Jason right now, and suggests he rides this out. Sonny promises to look after Elizabeth, and Carly visits Jason before he was taken away.

While Jason and Amelia were rescuing Jake, we found out that Sam actually witnessed the entire kidnapping and did nothing. Amelia told Sam that Jason knew the truth. Since Sam arrived to the station too late to talk to Jason, she was unable to clear things up with him. Their relationship seems to be put on hold, allowing for the build up of feelings between Jason and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was so grateful to Jason for finding Jake. She says she knew he would, but the jealous actions and ungratefulness of Lucky is creating problems for their marriage. Elizabeth is very angry with Lucky who vows he was "just doing his job" by having Jason arrested for violating bail. Sure, we all believe that Lucky's not extremely insecure.

On another note, Logan becomes very chatty when drunk. He told Maxie and Coop that Baldwin is his father and almost squealed about Maxie and his little deal.

Jerry talks to Michael
Logan and Maxie kiss

Friday, June 29, 2007


This week was full action. The viewers found out why Logan harbored so much bitterness toward Scott Baldwin as it was announced that Baldwin is actually Logan's father. Tracey wants to use this leverage to get the charges against her dropped and her discharged from ShadyBrook. This situation has also assisted in Lulu's sympathy toward Logan. It looks like Logan and Maxie's little plan to get Lulu into bed might work after all, but will he really fall for her?

Jason got out of jail on bail...and we're all very grateful for that. We know that he MUST be the one to return baby Jake to Elizabeth to really get on Lucky's nerves. His intuition toward Sam about hiding something seems to be very accurate. It was revealed today that she witnessed baby Jake being kidnapped and did nothing to stop it. Her idea of loyalty just pretty much cost her everything. She doesn't deserve Jason, and we're glad to see him realizing that.

Jerry's back and admitted to sending Jax on a random search so he could have Carly's attention. Sonny found this out and brought Jerry to his office to "talk". Kate overheard Sonny threaten Jerry, and wants to leave. She tells Carly what she saw and Carly clearly states that if she can't really handle Sonny's conflicts, she needs to leave now. That scene was actually kind of sincere.

Jason and Amelia drive to rescue baby Jake.
Sam goes to Alexis for legal guidance

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Happy Birthday

Today is the 37th birthday of Steve Burton. Happy Birthday!!!!!

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Monday, June 25, 2007


Sam came clean to Jason about her knowing he fathered baby Jake, Amelia told Alexis her true identity, Kate admitted it was her who set off the fire alarm at the coffee house to interrupt Sonny and his date's (Amelia) activities.....still waiting for the biggest secret to be revealed.....Jason as the real father of baby Jake.....it's coming!!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Baby Snatcher and a drunk

So, I'm so intrigued as to who would really steal baby Jake, especially if they knew it was Jason's...that's a death wish....however, it is good that Sonny knows that Jason's the father and is being the voice of reason with Jason to come forward as the baby's real father. It seems to be only a matter of time before little Jake will be sporting a new name.

Sonny and Spinelli told Sonny's attorney that Jason is the father of Jake, she assured them that because he's the father, it wouldn't get him out of jail, but might cause more harm. However, she did say to be extra cautious of Sam. She seems like a real cut throat aggressive attorney....I like her...but she might be facing off with Alexis soon if Alexis needs to come to her daughter's rescue. That should be an interesting match up.

I think Carly is right to suggest that Jax is trying to keep her busy with a new hotel in Montreal so he can search for Jerry more (a little spoiler alert, but this works out with Ingo Rademacher's annual leave...so be expecting his temporary departure)
I love the new Carly, but I keep finding myself wondering how Tamara Braun (ex Carly) would have played it, but I do totally think that Laura Wright is doing a FANTASTIC job at a difficult role...just had to add that.

Sam decided to get drunk in the middle of the day and almost reveal to Carly that Jason's the real father. She also went to Elizabeth's house while she was trying to remember everything that happened. While talking to Elizabeth, she insinuated that Jake was dead, saying they've both lost children. Elizabeth was angry, and made her leave.
Amelia wonders if Sam has Jake, but something tells me Amelia might not be all that innocent in this kidnapping.

Lucky needs to go punch a punching bag or something because his cruel remarks to Elizabeth is not helping bring Jake back, and will be a constant reminder when Jake returns (because he is too important to not return...we NEED to see Jason with his child) of his true feelings.
Everyone is feeling the tension as Lulu tries to defend Elizabeth.

In the meantime, Edward has Tracey committed to Shady Brook. She tries to buy her way out, but it doesn't work. She's plotting a way for Dillon to blackmail Edward, which Alan thinks she is being dangerous setting Dillon up with an "old shark"

Kate tells Sonny to have a highly public affair with someone to keep her unrelated to him in tabloids.
Amelia and Sam talk about Jake
Carly and Jax fight

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Who doesn't love him?

Reasons we love Jason Morgan:
1. He makes going to jail look Hot
2. He's so sensitive (for a hit man)
3. He only kills to protect others
4. Did we mention he's Hot
5. He'll risk everything for those he loves
6. and he dealt it to Lucky when he said "If you can't support Elizabeth, then get the hell out"

yes...today, Jason found out that Jake was kidnapped. He was the only one defending Elizabeth as everyone, including her husband, thinks she may have done something harmful to her own baby due to postpartum depression. This may be the straw that ends the Spencer marriage and returns Elizabeth where she belongs...with Jason. Lucky, maybe overreacting to circumstance, but he goes off on Elizabeth and says she's a bad mother for turning her back on Jake for a moment while someone stole him....that's probably not the best thing to say Loser!!

This tension has made its way to Lulu. As Maxie and Logan see Lulu's pain, Logan moves in to comfort/seduce her. We are hoping Lulu sees past this, but are learning some really interesting information about Logan in the meantime. He has daddy issues as his was never around growing up. He feels that he shouldn't ever have been born, and Scott Baldwin has messed with his family.

The only person to really see how Sonny is hurting from sharing his kids with their new stepdad is Kate. She admits that sometimes there is a part of her that wishes she would have had a family and her and Sonny actually share a moment where they're not competing. If they can be real with each other and she totally let her demeanor go while with him, they may have a good shot at becoming the new power couple...and we just love what this will do to Carly.

Sam and Amelia (possibly suspects of kidnapping Jake) both act weird about their whereabouts and intentions. Jason tells Sonny that Sam knows and that he "can't believe he's doing this, but put a trace on her cell and have someone follow her".

Elizabeth yells at Lucky for calling her a bad momma (good job girl)
Jason tells his attorney (in a very unlike Jason type of urgency) to get him out NOW!
Amelia and Sam talk about what would happen if Jake never came back

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Birthday...

Today is the special birthday of Mrs. Robin Christopher (Skye Quartermaine)
Happy Birthday!!!

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Where's Jake

The story of the kidnapping of Baby Jake Spencer (Morgan) has taken off. I do feel bad for Elizabeth that people are starting to wonder if she actually harmed her own baby, but what a story that would be. I really hope that's not the case because I still have high hopes for her and Jason to be together, and let's face it...they need baby Jake to really make it o'k.

Sam and Amelia wonder where each other were. Amelia seems really distraught and after hearing of the disappearance of Baby Jake, Amelia wonders if Sam had anything to do with it.

Sonny has a Father's Day barbecue at his house. It consisted of Sonny, Carly, Jax, the two boys, Kate and her publisher. Carly was very annoyed...she just seems like she want to be married to Jax and still wants Sonny to want her...not cool Carly!!!

Lucky almost gets violent with Spinelli after Spinelli rushes to the PCPD to alert Jason of baby Jake's disappearance. Spinelli's such a good friend!

Nicholas has many anger management issues he is going to have to deal with. He wants Jerry Jacks Dead and thinks he is behind the kidnapping. It seems that no matter how much Emily begs him to just be there for Lucky, he has his own agenda, which is to go to Paris to find Jerry.

Sonny and Kate flirt
Sam says she doesn't know where Jake is
Elizabeth tells Jason that Jake's gone
Lucky tells Lulu and Spinelli that Elizabeth may have done something to Jake.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Daytime Emmy Winners..

Congratulations Rick Hearst (Ric Lansing) and Genie Francis (Laura Spencer) for winning Outstanding Supporting Actor and Actress!

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Sebastian Roche

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at <span class=If you ever wondered what the actor behind the evil Mr. Craig (Jerry Jacks) is really like, check out the Q and A he revealed in Soap Opera Digest.

Q. What is the perfect day for you?
A. "Having an outdoor lunch in the summer in the South of France with my family and friends, which lasts about six hours."

Q. What song do you know all the words to?
A. "Any Coldplay song"

Q. What household appliance can't you live without?
A. "A chopping knife. I love to cook"

Q. What are you favorite board games?
A. "Scrabble and chess"

Q. What movie could you watch over and over?
A. The Seventh Seal by [Ingmar] Bergman. I love Bergman."

O'k, so with these answers, even if he is Mr. Craig he sounds absolutely charming!!!

Who stole Baby Jake Spencer (Morgan)

The potential suspects to look out for:

Angry that Sam never got what she deserved for murdering her father, did Amelia take baby Jake in order to frame Sam? Would she go that far to make Sam look guilty, knowing that it will totally destroy Jason and Sam's plans of happily ever after will crumble.

She did loose a baby three years ago and has never gotten over the loss. These emotions have been put into high gear since knowing that Jason is the father to Jake. She just found out she can't have children and wants Jason's baby more than ever, is this the person who could really take a baby from it's mother? Well, she is the same person who married four different people and left with their money.

Elizabeth could be suffering from Postpartum depression. Could she actually do something to her own child ( not the highest suspect on the list, but that would be an interesting storyline)

Next to killing people and blowing up a hotel, kidnapping is a somewhat easy "stroll in the park" for Jerry Jacks. We haven't seen or heard anything from him lately, so he may have come up with a new plan to have the upper hand with the people of Pt.Charles

Could the Jackal really take Stone Cold's baby?? Noway! But he has insisted that the baby should be with Jason and this may be his way of ensuring the baby bonds with his biological father. However, the idea of the Jackal even taking care of a baby is ludicrous, so this is probably lower on the list than Elizabeth's postpartum depression.

What if someone found out that the baby's Jason's and is using it to have leverage over Sonny's corporation at this time. I would like to think maybe someone with a grudge toward the police office or Lucky would maybe have taken baby Jake. This would prove to Elizabeth that Lucky's line of work could be just as damaging as Jason's.

We'll have to watch to find out....

Carly cares...

The past two episodes of General Hospital have set the viewers up for a much anticipated change of events. Amelia and Sonny are telling Jason that Sam is really someone who he should be aware of. Though he would love to stay loyal and prove that Sam has been a victim of misfortune, his instincts are telling him that she is up to something. When she comes to the jailhouse and instead of worry about HIS situation, she just can't stop thinking about him getting out so they can make a baby....it seems that this is all about her!

However, Sam may have a destructive past, but it seems that Amelia has layers that are just starting to be revealed. She wants revenge on Sam for the death of her father, but what else is she capable of doing? Is she really someone Jason and Sonny can trust?

Elizabeth is torn between being true to her husband's wishes and staying away from Jason and her own desires to be with him and share Jake with him. Though some may see her as having it all together, her postpartum hormones and fear are about to take her on a long and terrifying journey.

Kate and Carly argue...again. Sonny wonders why Carly cares so much about who he sees. She overly explains that she doesn't care. She expresses this for about one minute non stop which shows she still has some deep feelings for who Sonny is with. She says she doesn't care who Sonny's with, but doesn't like Kate. She wants that to be respected, but it seems like Sonny and Kate will be spending more time together as they get reacquainted with each other.

Nickolas has some serious anger issues that he is unable to keep hidden. His resentment and anger toward Jerry may cause him to do something he may regret later. He will do anything to clear Emily's name.

So, the week ends with Elizabeth at the park. Getting ready to go, she puts baby Jake in a stroller and goes to get Cameron. Upon returning Jake is missing....who could it be?
(well, Sam was watching in the bushes...but that may be too obvious)

Sam and Amelia are both late to work wondering where each other were
Sonny tells Jason to come out as Jake's father
Elizabeth screams helplessly for Jake in the park

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

See ya in October

Anthony Geary (Luke Spencer) has officially taken his yearly summer vacation and will be returning to General Hospital in October....will Laura be with him?????? You'll have to wait to find out

Too bad Sam

It looks like Amelia just did Jason a huge favor by revealing Sam's past and possible intention with him. She told Jason that Sam has been contacting fertility clinics behind his back and plans to use a surrogate. Jason was informed that Sam is secretly going to impregnate the surrogate with Jason's baby.
Bad news for Sam who says she'll do anything to get Jason's baby.

Sam visited Lucky and Elizabeth to find out more information on Jason's arrest. She told Lucky that she wants the family that he has with Elizabeth. Lucky and Elizabeth were talking about this after she left and the fact that she can't have Jason's baby because she can't get pregnant...couldn't help but notice Elizabeth's cheerfulness at this information as she bounced baby Jake around (Jason's baby)

Lulu bailed Tracey out of jail. Edward has some kind of secret going on.

Logan insinuated that Scott Baldwin terrorized his family and that is why he hates him so much. He told Lulu this after he punched Scott.....awww, something to bond the two.

Carly and Jax stay home with the kids and are disturbed to find that someone keeps calling and hanging up...looks like Jerry might turn up again.

Kate thanks Sonny for dinner and breakfast infront of Carly.
Sam learns there may be a problem with a surrogate
Elizabeth visits Jason in jail and they talk about Jake

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


So, we've all met those kind of people that can't keep a secret....looks like Amelia is one. She proceeded to tell Jason all the information she has on Sam and to top it off with the fact that Sam knows he's Jake's father.
As much as Jason wants to be that loyal boyfriend with great intuition, I think he may be getting played on this one...but by who? Sam or Amelia? I'm thinking there's more a story behind her character and motives.

Sam talks to Alexis about her desire to have a baby and almost reveals Jake as Jason's baby. Alexis tells her to go and get what she wants, which might have been all the encouragement Sam needed to make her move.

Kate and Sonny talk about the past over dinner. She is staying at his house since she hurt her head and Sonny wants to make sure she doesn't have a concussion. She must wear Sonny's night shirt since she won't sleep in her clothes. Um, Hello....she lives next door...can one of her two assistants not make sure she's o'k or at least bring her pajamas? She obviously has agendas.

Patrick and Robin leave the bar together, and though he thinks she may be mad at his vocalization about not wanting kids, she jumps right in his arms until he looks for protection....(great acting by Jason Thompson...he totally gave away the "You're a crazy woman" look)

And ofcourse, what we all knew would happen, Tracey got arrested for the kidnap of Laura Spencer..when did she let herself be so vulnerable and taken advantage of...sign of weakness that Edward is becoming aware of. Lucky for Tracey, Alan is still sticking around to give her solid advice

Amelia continues to warn Jason
Sam tells Jason she will do anything to give them a family.....scary!

The Night Shift

Monday's episode introduced the audience to the members of GH that will star in the new nighttime series of GH. These new members will join the other cast in the regular fall schedule.
We got to know a little more about the couple who seem to only work well under pressure, Patrick and Robin. Robin has a maternal bug that's starting to bite and Patrick wants nothing to do with it. As he drinks the idea away, Robin overhears him say he will never be ready for kids. She then toasts to "Never letting others tell you what you're not going to do".....I guess that was geared toward Patrick.

Kate and Sonny argue over the hideously ugly statue Carly got Kate. Kate leaves and runs right into the statue. She has a small concussion but refuses to go to the Hospital out of fear she might reveal that she's really Connie Falconerie. Sonny vows to take care of her all night. Where might this go?????

Luke was successful at kidnapping Laura with Tracey's help. He stops by Lucky's house to let all the kids tell Laura bye before taking her away. Scott goes to visit Laura and finds Tracey wearing a blond wig smiling.
Tracey goes home to be haunted by Alan and can't help but think she has and always will be second to Luke.

Lucky has big problems with Spinelli talking to baby Jake. Spinelli almost reveals that he knows the truth. Elizabeth looked a little shocked, but I don't think she knows that Spinelli knows yet!!!

Amelia brings Sam's file to Jason
Sonny takes care of Kate

Monday, June 11, 2007

Answers to GH Trivia

For those of us who admit to being General Hospital's most loyal of fans, see if you know these trivia answers.....

1.) Courtney did this for a living: Strip

2.) Luke's Casino : The Haunted Star

3.) Carly and Jax's honeymoon spot: Fiji

4.) Luke's term for endearment for Lucky: Cowboy

5.) Sonny's hometown: Bensonhurst, Connecticut

6.) Source of killer virus: Chimp

7.) Lucky #2: Jacob Young

8.) Maxie and Georgie's mother: Felecia

9.) Where Molly was born: Train

10.) Carly's middle name: Leigh

11.) Amelia's profession: Producer

12.) Spinelli's nickname for Jax: The Valkyrie's white knight

13.) Logan's former job: soldier

14.) Carly's mom and Luke's sister: Bobbie Spencer

15.) Alexis's late sister's name: Christina

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I will warn you before reading anymore...there are some really good spoiler information as to what to expect in the coming weeks from General Hospital.........

you can still turn away..........................................

one more chance........................................

Here we go:

Logan's reason for hating Scotty Baldwin will be revealed

Coop has ties to Pt. Charles..what would it be? Well, think of his last name.. Barret (Brenda)

Logan's father may be someone in Pt. Charles

Ric goes missing

Emily searches for her biological father


There is a really important little baby that gets kidnapped

Do you know all things GH???

For those of us who admit to being General Hospital's most loyal of fans, see if you know these trivia answers.....

1.) Courtney did this for a living:

2.) Luke's Casino :

3.) Carly and Jax's honeymoon spot:

4.) Luke's term for endearment for Lucky:

5.) Sonny's hometown:

6.) Source of killer virus:

7.) Lucky #2:

8.) Maxie and Georgie's mother:

9.) Where Molly was born:

10.) Carly's middle name:

11.) Amelia's profession:

12.) Spinelli's nickname for Jax:

13.) Logan's former job:

14.) Carly's mom and Luke's sister:

15.) Alexis's late sister's name:

Answers will be posted tomorrow!!!


Well...on Friday's episode we found out that Lulu wants to help her father kidnap her mother, Alexis is not over what happened between Ric and Sam, Jax is playing peacemaker between Kate and Carly, and Lucky and Elizabeth are still making each other mad and then following up with apologies...caught up? O'k...now onto the good story!

After Sonny and Amelia "celebrated" her success with Everyday Heroes he stumbled upon a folder containing all of Sam's former alias identities. Sonny inquired and refused to let Amelia off the hook. She told him everything from Sam's former profession to her killing Amelia's father to Jax and Sonny being targets for her in Pt. Charles. Amelia told Sonny her plan was to get Sam famous and then expose it all. Sonny said there will be a change of plans. He told Jason. Jason, being the sensitive hit man boyfriend that he is, says he doesn't believe Amelia over Sam....however, when he got his ONE phone call, he called Amelia who told him she would tell him everything.

This might get good...either way it seems that there are more problems brewing for Jason and Sam. Can Sam get over the baby issue? Can Jason trust Sam's intentions? Either way, makes for good drama!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Time to seduce

Yesterday we found out that for some unknown reason to us, Scott Baldwin would be appointed custodian of Laura. When the law got that unfair is beyond me, but due to this, the Spencer/Cassadine family has been thoroughly upset. Luke, having no other option, must now kidnap Laura....just another Thursday afternoon, right?

Logan springs into action on seducing Lulu in order to get her into bed so that he can seal his deal with Maxie and sleep with her next. Who knew he could be charming? He actually had me fooled, but his compassion toward Lulu was very sweet...what a rat!

Sam learned of Jason's imprisonment from Ric, and when she went to see him, she questioned why noone would tell her. Before Sam came to visit Jason, Elizabeth was there. Lucky was not happy to see his wife visiting a man who he seems jealous of. Lucky kinda made a little scene which did not sit well with Elizabeth.

Michael and Morgan harpooned Kate's Koi fish....Kate insults the kids while talking to Sonny and Carly. She then goes to Jax to have him try to control and make peace with his wife...they apparently are friends. Carly does not like the look of this and makes it very clear.

The Jackle plays tricks with Ric. He goes to talk with Jason and Ric gets a warrant to search his computer to find any important information on Jason...lost my breath there for a minute thinking the paternity of baby Jake would come out, but Spinelli had anticipated this and brought a fake computer with him...he's so sly!

Amelia missed getting Sonny's love....however, after "enjoying" herself, Sonny saw her file on Sam.

Sam wonders who else Jason would have told before her about his arrest
Amelia reveals her information about Sam to Sonny
Carly tells Kate to leave her hotel

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Deals, Deals, Deals..

Yesterday we were left with Logan forcing a kiss on Lulu just to show her his power. Today we saw Lulu react in anger, especially since the information of her mother's rape was fresh in her mind. However, she may have more in common with her mother than she thinks. It seemed like instead of seeking revenge (which she urged Spinelli not to do), she might have enjoyed that kiss as she made excuse after excuse for Logan's behavior. Coop came to her rescue in the coffee shop after Logan took advantage of her, and she expressed her gratitude to him over a cup of coffee. Maxie saw this and got jealous. In true Maxie form, she did what probably will come around and blow up in her face.....made a deal with Logan.
What's the deal you ask? If Logan gets Lulu into bed (and away from Coop), Maxie will sleep with him the next day!!!!!! I'm not the best negotiator, but I'm thinking there may have been something else that she could have thought about before agreeing to those terms.
Logan and Maxie aren't the only ones making deals....

Jerry had more of a threat than a deal with Carly. He basically told her if she EVER hurts Jax in any way, then he will come back and make her pay....however, this might be hard to do since we were left with Jerry jumping out of a window trying to flee a few bad guys who were looking for the money from the hostage crisis. It does however seem that sometimes crime starts to look good. Jax seems to be enjoying his part in stealing the blood samples from the DNA.

Ric attempts to escort Kate to get her mug shot and fingerprints, when Sonny's smooth street smarts come in handy for Ms. Howard. He is able to get the charge against Kate dropped. She definitely seems impressed, but that may suggest that he has power over her, and that is not her style.

Emily visits Elizabeth and after discussing Jason's arrest and how angry Elizabeth is with Lucky, she questions whether or not Elizabeth is still in love with Jason. Well, Elizabeth, being torn between two hot men (what a problem) decided to make to the choice to commit herself to Lucky and makes a nice dinner for the two. He has mutual feelings bringing flowers home as the two make up. However, something is telling me that this make up session might not last long.

Carly wonders if Sonny and Jason killed Jerry (Say What?)
The court's decision is granted

Monday, June 4, 2007

Q and A with Laura (Carly) and Rebecca (Elizabeth)

When asked "What was your first big splurge when you got your first contract or other big acting gig?

Laura Wright (Carly Corinthos Jacks):
"I got the job on LOVING in June, 1991. Come Forth of July, I went back home. Every year on the Forth of July, everyone wen to Ocean City, MD. We'd always stay at the Sheraton in this itty-bitty room. [That year], I went to the Sheraton, rented out the penthouse suite, and all my friends came. I could afford it. It was fun. When I got to GENERAL HOSPITAL, I bought a Mini Cooper. It's my first California car". (Does this not sound like a Carly splurge at the Sheraton or what?)

Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth Weber Spencer):
"My first acting gig, I think I was six years old, so I don't think I bought anything. I bought a car when I came to GH. I had my other car for several years. I had a little Acura. Then I bought my dream Volvo. I've always had nice cars, which I justify, because I drive really far to work. I had to make sure I got to work in a safe automobile". (A Volvo? Really..hmmm)

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What to expect....

This summer on GH, fans will get a better look at the parents of Robin and Patrick. There will be a new found interest in Noah Drake's life and possibly even a familiar face or two (especially if you like Finola Hughs).

Jason will be in jail for quite a while freeing Steve Burton's schedule for family vacations....forget they need that right? However, due to the magic of editing and shooting scenes in advance it won't seem that long to viewers.....glad to hear that!!!!

There may be a VERY shocking return of one of your favorite GH cast members...let's just say Her on screen husband is a loose canon, she has three children, one who is a prince, one who is a police officer, and one who needs her mother more than anything.....any guesses???? However, her return might not be met with the love she left with...you'll have to watch and find out what I mean....but it will lead to Luke's exit for the summer until October.

information courtesy of ABC Soaps

One man caught, another one set free

Kate Howard's rule at the top has come to an end since she met D.A. Lansing. Insulting his office and way of handling his people wasn't the best way to be released from jail after assaulting one of his police officers. She insisted on getting her and Sonny (who was being held on questions for Alcazar's murder) out of jail on a misunderstanding with her impressive vocabulary and exaggerative self confidence....really, is anyone that into themselves? However, Kate's oversized ego is the least of Sonny's troubles because his right hand man has been arrested for murder without bail and his loose canon new recruit, Logan, is trying to replace Jason. Logan feels his first duty would be to beat up Spinelli and force himself on Lulu......I don't see that as being favorably looked upon...I mean Jason and Sonny may kill people, but only the bad ones right?

Secrets may be soon revealed at the Spencer home as Elizabeth is extremely angry with Lucky for arresting Jason. He says he is only doing what he has to do for work, but Elizabeth makes sure he knows that was a big mistake. It seems like others may be making big mistakes as well...Jax broke into the crime lab to switch Jerry's blood sample with that of Mr. Craig. Jerry was ready to leave town for good when Jax brought him the results from the police report proving that Mr. Craig and Jerry Jax are not the same people...Jerry plans to stick around a little while and Jax makes him promise not to hurt his family. However, Jax is playing dangerously and this may not turn out in his favor. He even ignores the mentally disturbed warning signs Carly gave him of Jerry and Arena's situation.

Elizabeth tells Lucky that Jason is allowed to hold Jake whenever he wants to
Carly argues with Sonny about his involvement with Kate Howard
Jerry promises Jax he will not hurt his loved ones

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Well, In the past two days, the citizens of Pt. Charles have dealt with many adversaries. Lulu came to the realization of her parents violent love when her father admitted to raping her mother before they were married. She swears off any further love interest for herself. Elizabeth reveals to Lulu that she was once raped and that there is a way to love after the hurt.
Spinelli proved to be a great friend to her after narrowly escaping Sonny's torture after not revealing Jason's secret pain. He extended himself to Lulu in any way.
Tension rises as Alcazar's killer is exposed and Jerry's identity as Mr. Craig may be shown through a matched DNA.
Ric threatens to charge Jax with accessory to murder if he continues to cover for Jerry and sends Lucky to arrest Jason for Alcazar's murder after the judge issued a warrant. Lucky struggled with this decision since Jason and Elizabeth are friends and he helped save Elizabeth and baby Jake, but in the end, Lucky found Jason holding baby Jake while talking with Elizabeth in the coffee shop and read him his rights. Sonny continues to feud with Kate Howard (Connie Falconerie) after he has Jason shoot down a statue she was having delivered to her house by helicopter. She plays the sympathy card and Sonny tries to make it right.
With all the issues playing out, the best story from the past few days is that Sam had decided to have a surrogate mother in order to have a baby. She is not going to tell Jason and seems that she will secretly try to get him to father the baby. This storyline has a lot of potential to grow into the right amount of drama for Pt. Charles....here's a crazy thought, but what if by some way, Jerry Jax ended up being the father or the surrogate baby for Sam....brilliant!!

On Monday:
Elizabeth tries to stop Lucky from arresting Jason
Kate tries to have Sonny arrested
Jerry tries to find his DNA in the crime lab

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The truth comes out..

We were finally able to understand the horror behind Jerry's evil mind which enables him to act in such a brutal way. While talking to Carly, we saw a flashback of Jerry and his lover, Alena doing a job on another person. They portrayed newlyweds, and after getting the money, they were going to retire to an island to live in paradise. The job didn't work out as hoped and Alena and Jerry were caught. Jerry was tortured beyond belief, he gave up Alena and was forced to watch as she was shot in the head right in front of him. This painful experience intensifies Jerry's capabilities since he said his only emotion after she got shot was relief that he wasn't on the other side of the bullet. It was a very sincere scene and Carly got the story. I'm sure she will tell Jax who is struggling with the decision of whether or not to turn Jerry in, however, if he would do so now, he, Carly, Nicholas, and Emily would be in trouble.

Lulu struggles with the news that her father raped her mother before they were married. She goes to Jason and asks him if it's true. Jason says that sometimes couples go through difficulties but there is always a chance to work things out. Lulu says her sadness is about her mother and the brainwashed love that doesn't exist. The Spencer family is trying to find Lulu. Luke finds her and she is repulsed by him. With this whole situation, Lucky finds Elizabeth and tells her they need to make sure there is never a secret that could jeopardize their future. This makes Elizabeth uncomfortable since she is harboring her secret with Jason.

Sam arranges for Jason and her to have a picnic.....look who's there? Elizabeth and baby Jake (and Cameron..but we already know who his daddy is). Elizabeth leaves right away and Jason accuses Sam of setting it up. Sam confides in Amelia that she wants to raise baby Jake.

Coop is concerned that Jerry will blackmail him by threatening Maxie.......well, that's apparent when he meets Jerry in the park (is it me or is Jerry constantly eating something..anyways). Logan tells Coop and Maxie that he now works for Sonny, and after Coop leaves, he tells Maxie that she really belongs with a guy like him. (some reason I see this..they are a lot alike).

Ric has the evidence he needs on Jason and it looks like it will all be coming down soon
Alexis does what she does best in court and tried to show the useless proceedings Scott Baldwin was trying to create. The first day of court was adjourned as the judge wants to take his time with all the information...imagine that!

Sam tells Jason she wants his baby
Sonny tells Spinelli to tell him Jason's secret pain
Ric makes his move toward Jason

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy Birthday..

Today is the very special birthday of Mr. Anthony Geary.
Hope it's a good one

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Time for Court

Well, the time has come for the custody battle over Laura Spencer. In one corner is Luke, her husband with whom she raised two children. Their fairy tale romance was not entirely a whimsical dream, but had it's share of nightmares, which Scott Baldwin, the first husband of Laura and jealous man who seeks revenge on Luke, seeks to prove. Nicholas, Laura's first child, to whom she left her custody to is also within the mix. As the court gets underway, the Spencer family has tried to keep Lulu from being at the court to hear the known fact that Luke, her loving father actually raped her mother before they were married.

Elizabeth arranges for Lulu to meet her in the park to assist her with the kids, however, Lulu leaves and heads to the courtroom just in time to hear Nicholas, under interrogation from Scott Baldwin, reveal the truth about her parent's love.

Sam, still trying to get Jason to tell her the truth about fathering Elizabeth's baby arranges for the two to have a picnic, and the very spot that Elizabeth is having one with her two boys...what are the odds of that?...not very high unless you plan it right????

Sonny is very concerned about Jason and they argue over Spinelli's involvement in the company. Sonny wants to keep Stan as the technology consultant, and Sonny vows that Spinelli can be trusted. Sonny is concerned that whatever Jason's "secret pain" is, he may have made a mistake at Alcazar's death.

Logan's loyalty pays off as Sonny offers him a job in his corporation.

Ric has found the incriminating evidence on Jason for Alcazar's murder and plants it in Alcazar's house so it will be found during a searching, after Skye filed a missing's person suit.

Nicholas punches Scott in the courtroom
Lulu runs and cries at her realization
Sam says they can share the picnic with Elizabeth

Monday, May 28, 2007

Brotherly Love....

Sam is really impressing me. Before when Amelia brought up all of Sam's past (when she used to marry men to clean them out of all their money before leaving) I was a little nervous if she would do the same to Jason or if she had alternative motives with him. I can say now though, her loyalty to him and his feelings are really proving her true character, especially after hearing that Baby Jake Spencer is really Jason's baby. The fact that she would want Jason to file for custody and not do without his son (from a woman that she hates) shows her good heart toward Jason. However, as much as she loves him, she is beginning to question why he won't just tell her the truth, which she already knows...you know how we women are!!

Kate and Carly have a lot more in common than one may think. They both come from a lower level in society and have made their way as a success in life, and they both are drawn to the bad boy side of Mr. Sonny Corinthos. As Kate and Carly argue, Carly gets a little jealous as Sonny and Kate flirt. Kate refuses that they are flirting, but Carly understands her motives.

The Metro Court....on Friday, we were last left with PCPD taking Jerry Jacks (Mr. Craig) into custody for the hostage crisis....but due to his espionage threat over Emily, many people defended him as Jerry Jacks and not Mr. Craig. This included Emily, Nicholas, Jax, Alexis, and Even CARLY to Ric who seemed to be a little more occupied with finding out what happened to Alcazar than dealing with Mr. Craig.
Ric questions Skye again and again, and finally found the evidence needed to arrest Jason for Alcazar's murder.

Ric finds Alcazar's recording right before he got shot and it says "Morgan"
Sonny tells Jason he was sloppy with Alcazar's murder
Elizabeth questions whether or not keeping Jason from Jake is best

Friday, May 25, 2007

Going Public with little secrets..

Today in Pt. Charles, Ric interrogates Spinelli for information to Alcazar's whereabouts, Sonny steps with his cool demeanor and puts Ric in his place without a hint of guilt. Spinelli feels overwhelmed with gratitude and uncontrollably hugs Sonny..Sonny corrects him and in the midst of their talking, Spinelli reveals that Jason has a secret.

Sam arranges to meet with Elizabeth and baby Jake. Elizabeth is uncomfortable with this, and the moment gets really awkward as Sam holds (Jason's) baby when Jason walks in shocked, Spinelli watches in enjoyment and Sonny begins putting pieces together.

Sam gives Jason the opportunity to tell her the truth, he doesn't, but then after she leaves, he tells Elizabeth he wants to come forth as Jake's father.....getting good!!!

Alexis, Jax, and Emily try to keep Nicholas from going after Jerry (Mr. Craig)..but he doesn't really have to GO after him because Jerry arranges for them all to meet at Metro Court. Jax's employees call the police and Jerry's secret is revealed...dont' be sad though, this is his plan....he is arrested as James Craig, and denies that. He says he is visiting his brother, Jax and his mother, Lady Jane. We are left with suspense of whether or not the group will cover for him. (Remember that Jerry being in prison is dangerous for Coop and Emily)

Carly and Kate Howard meet at Sonny's house as Kate insults Carly's kids. Carly, true to her character, threatens Kate. Kate says Carly is not classy, which Carly reminds her is even more the reason she should be scared...Love Cary!!!! Sonny walks in on the cat fight, and enjoys watching it.

Ric advises Skye to file a missing person's report to protect herself.

Sam wants to know the truth
Elizabeth asks if Sam would be o'k letting Lucky and Elizabeth raise the baby?
Jerry asks Jax to vouch for him that he's his brother.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Family Ties..

Just when you think Skye must be heartless for setting up Alcazar's death in her own home, she beckons forgiveness from Edward and the Quartermaine family in what seems a very sincere way. Edward, not being his usual spiteful self, calmly tells her that he would like to forgive her for her involvement in the hostage crisis which lead to Alan's death, but is unable to.

Jerry Jacks a.k.a Mr Craig a.k.a Mr Brosnon comes clean to Alexis and tells her who he really is. Alexis is shocked to find out that the man who she was interested in is really the man who has caused so much trauma for her family and friends.

Jason tells Carly and Jax about Jerry's involvement with Nicholas and Emily's latest espionage issue. Jax is stuck with the decision of being loyal to his brother and is feeling the anger toward Jerry from Jason and Nicholas.

Coop shows his lack of experience of being discreet as he tells Maxie he wants to tell Logan of his involvement in the hostage crisis, Sonny's business, and Mr. Craig's threats. He suggests that Logan will help him and protect Maxie. Maxie urges him not to, and suggests that he will use it to his advantage to get close to Sonny.
I like Coop and Maxie. I like the fact that Maxie, although she's done some crazy stuff knows her faults. She knows she doesn't deserve Coop and is grateful for all his support. I think Coop is good for her and hope to see the two make it together...just have a feeling Maxie might get him into trouble.

Luke and Tracey try to kidnap Laura when they find out she has been moved to another location thanks to Scotty Baldwin

Ric becomes curious as to where Alcazar has gone. He questions Skye. She suggests Alcazar has left her and the baby. He also questions Spinelli as to whether or not he knows of Alcazar's disappearance, not knowing that Spinelli (who's not the best of liars...he should talk to Sam and Elizabeth about that) walked in while Jason was telling Sonny that Alcazar's been taken care of.

Skye is scared and runs to Jason to warn him that Ric is curious as Jerry overhears and makes his presence known...

So, Skye Quartermaine....It is clear to say that she is very loyal to Lila Rae, but who else is she really loyal to? She keeps information about the hostage crisis covered to protect Alcazar while her adopted father and sister are held hostage. Alan dies from the hostage crisis and Skye is outed from the family. She excuses her decision on withholding information as a loyalty to Alcazar, who puts her in harms way. Now, she's sold him out and had him murdered....who is Skye Quartermaine? She's so sincere when she talks, even when it was to Alcazar moments before letting Jason in to kill him. I am interested to see where her character will go and the relationships she might find. After her scene with Ric today, I think they might be a good couple, understanding that there are secrets that must be kept!!!!

Sam confronts Elizabeth...this should be good!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bye- Bye Daddy.....

In today's episode, After one last night together, Alcazar brings Lila Rae home. Skye struggles with the decision to call Sonny, but does after thinking of what Alcazar put her through. Robin is willing to discuss moving in with Patrick when suddenly three beautiful new patients enter with requests to see Patrick. Robin becomes irritated as the girls flirt with Patrick and comes up with a few tricks to get Patrick's attention. Elizabeth tells baby Jacob about Jason. Jason visits Elizabeth and the baby. He hold Jacob and then gets interrupted by Sonny's phone call telling him Skye has Lila Rae back. Lulu and Spinelli chat over how good of a guy Jason really is. Jason confronts Emily about her involvement with Jerry (Mr. Craig). Emily vows to do anything, even playing along with Mr. Craig, to protect Nicholas from him. Sonny has a new neighbor.....guess who???? Kate Howard or as he knows her as Connie Falconerie from his childhood. He doesn't like her choice of transportation (helicopter) and she doesn't like his big stone fence blocking her view. They come to a few compromises. Before Skye, Alcazar, and Lila Rae leave for South America, Skye lets Jason in their home to kill Alcazar. As she rocks Lila Rae in a rocker, she hears the gunshots and Alcazar's body fall!!!!

Ric questions Skye to Alcazar's whereabouts
Nicholas tells Jerry (Mr. Craig) to leave Pt. Charles
Jason tells Carly and Jax that Jerry (Mr. Craig) held him, Sam, Spinelli, and Amelia at gunpoint
Carly tells Jason not to kill Jerry (Mr. Craig)

Happy Birthday.....

Although her character "Sam" might not have many things to be happy about right now, Kelly Moaco turns 31 today!!!!!

Happy Birthday.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Jerry's Safe

In today's episode, Jerry (Mr. Craig) revealed his identity to Sam, Spinelli, Amelia, Nicholas, and Emily. Along with his identity, he exposed his plan for Emily was set in order to keep him safe and alive from all his enemies. Jason will not kill Jerry (Mr. Craig) because by doing so, Emily would be arrested for espionage. It's in her best interest if Jerry stays alive.
Patrick and Robin stop arguing over their living arrangements and he pledges to wait for her to be ready to move in with him and in the meantime will stop asking. Nicholas and Emily embark in a long overdue love reunion and are free to be safe from Jerry (Mr. Craig), or so they think.
Alcazar tells Skye that he will bring Lila Rae home if she doesn't leave the house, so she agrees. While taking a VERY long bath, she sneaks out the window to let Sonny know the plan. Sonny gives her a phone to use when she gets her daughter back. While being held hostage at Sam and Jason's house, Sam tries to kill Jerry (Mr. Craig) with a gun she found in the liquor cabinet. Amelia stops her saying she can't watch Sam kill another person again.
Jax and Carly argue over Jerry's (Mr. Craig) violence, and Alexis interrupts to tell Jax that she will represent him because when Jerry gets caught, Jax may be charged as an accomplice. (Note that Alexis doesn't know that Jerry (Mr. Craig) is her Mr. Brosnon...and the plot thickens) Carly gets mad at Alexis and accuses her of wanting Jax's time and attention and makes Jax choose to have Alexis leave or she will go to Sonny's. Alexis spares Jax the decision and leaves. Jax tells Carly he will never choose Alexis over her, and in the midst of the family violence, they steal time to be romantic.
When Skye is finished with her "bath" she goes to Alcazar and THANKS him one last time, if you know what I mean.
After Jerry (Mr. Craig) told Jason his plans for Emily, he leaves Sam and Jason's house. Being held hostage seems to make Amelia hot and heavy because she went right to Sonny's office with one thing in mind!!!

Jason gears up to kill Alcazar

Did You Know.....

Lila Rae, Skye and Alcazar's baby, is Robin Christopher's (Skye) real life baby, Gianna Crane. Due to this, Christopher and her husband decided it may be difficult as Gianna gets older to have her act with mommy, so the part of Lila Rae will change as a new "Lila" emerges.

information courtesy of ABC Soaps

Monday, May 21, 2007

Guess who's staying...(possible spoiler)

So, as we all are aware, Alcazar's time on GH is limited, as well as Dillon, but for your favorite terrorist....well, he just signed a contract, and will be terrorizing the citizens of Pt. Charles for a while longer!!!!!

To kill or not to kill

In case you didn't know, Mr. Craig and Jerry Jacks (and Mr. Brosnon) are the same person Jerry is Jax brother, but under the alias Mr. Craig he lead the hostage crisis at the Metro Court, and under the name James Brosnon he flirts with Alexis.

Skye and Alcazar are met with by a man who wants the briefcase. Alcazar pretends to be brain damaged and Skye plays along. Alcazar says Skye must go with him to South America if she ever wants to see Lila Rae again, and says they can start over.
Patrick and Robin argue over whether or not she should move in with him. He says he misses her things and she says it's detrimental to their relationship. Noah Drake seems to think so too as he tells Emily and suggests that Robin and Patrick go to counseling.
Jax tells Sonny who Jerry (Mr. Craig) really is and Sonny says Jax should be the one to kill him. Alexis interrupts their conversation to let Jax know she can help his brother when Sonny fills Alexis in on who Jax brother really is. She then says there is nothing she or anyone else can do.
Carly stands between Jason and Jerry (Mr. Craig) as she begs Jason not to kill him. She tells him Mr. Craig is Jax's brother, Jerry. Jason doesn't care, and Carly gets Jerry (Mr. Craig) away before Jason shoots him. Before leaving, Jerry (Mr. Craig) threatens to hurt anyone Jason may love and tells him that he has insurance over him
Jason is angry with Carly for her decision and vows to kill Jerry (Mr. Craig) next time.
Through Sam's reenactment of the night she murdered Bill Munroe, she accuses Amelia of knowing and setting her up. Amelia says it was not intentional and she will do what she can to adjust the set for Sam to be comfortable.
Tracy vows to help Luke....AGAIN. She suggests they tell Lulu the truth or kidnap Laura. She leaves Luke to make a decision.
Maxie apologizes to Georgie for the way she has treated her and says the reason she likes Coop so much is because he is good like Georgie.
Jax returns home and Carly tells him what happened and that she won't protect Jerry (Mr. Craig) again. She then says she won't forgive Jax if Jerry (Mr. Craig) hurts anyone she loves (We see where this will go next..)
Sonny urges Jason not to kill Jerry (Mr. Craig) YET.
Amelia accompanies Sam home to find an armed Jerry (Mr. Craig) waiting for them.

Jerry (Mr. Craig) wants to talk to Jason
Sonny tells Jason to leave Jerry alone
Jax assures Carly Jerry won't go near her or her loved ones.

Did You Know......

Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth Weber) and Ingo Rademacher (Jax) dated in real life before she met her husband Michael Saucedo of six years. However, Elizabeth and Jax have never dated on screen....that may be an interesting couple.

Greg Vaughan has more in common with his character of Lucky Spencer than one may think. As Lucky and Elizabeth just welcomed Jacob Martin into their family, Greg Vaughan and his wife recently welcomed baby boy, Jatham James. Congrats!!!!

Jax and Jerry may play brothers on screen, but they are not even from the same country. Sebastian Roche (Mr. Craig/Jerry Jacks) is from Paris and is a French actor while Ingo Rademacher (Jasper "Jax" Jacks) was born in Germany and raised in Australia.

information courtesy of soapoperadigest.com and ABC Soaps

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Why the Hospital?

I am starting this blog to indulge in a creative aspect of writing from one of my all time favorite shows, General Hospital. I did not follow soaps until 2000 while living with my sister in law and she totally got me hooked, and since it has had a way of fascinating my mind. The writers are magical in their stories and the actors are so talented in the way in which the characters are portrayed. Over the years, I have met many other women (and men) who enjoy the amazing artistry involved in creating such a well done daytime soap. As an English major, a writer, and an avid General Hospital watcher and fan (waiting in line to meet “Ric” in Raleigh, NC for 2 hours with my 4 month old…) I have chosen to write a blog of the show…hope you like it, and fee free to comment!!!!

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